Unrealistic Net Zero Policies Cost Families Dearly
“We are in the middle of the first truly global energy crisis,” Birol said. “Our world has never ever witnessed an energy crisis with this depth and complexity.”…
FLASHBACK: Founder of Climate Group Vandalizing Famous Paintings Said Holocaust was ‘Normal Event’
After facing widespread criticism for the comments, Hallam noted the climate crisis was another Holocaust on a “far greater scale.”…
Thanks, Colorado Springs Gazette, for Warning of the Dangers of “Climate Change Catastrophism”
Climate alarmists exaggerate the rate of recent warming and the risks of extreme weather to motivate radical political actions.…
Canada’s Green New Deal: “To Hell with That” (Premier Moe speaks)
“[Canada is] heading down this same dark cul-de-sac that we have seen the European head. And we see energy and climate policy at the national level in our nation that just is not grounded in the reality of the situation that we’re facing.” – Premier Scott Moe, Saskatchewan…
Claim: Climate Models Are Imprecise, Because Psychologists Were Not Consulted
According to Nature “Human behaviour is a neglected factor in climate science”.…
COP27 — Colombia Claims an Absurd $800 Billion a Year “Loss and Damage”
When it comes to the UN, absurdity is no obstacle.…