The Conversation: We Must Seek to Understand Why Bjørn Lomborg’s Climate Arguments Resonate
According to Sydney academic Noel Castree, “denialism is in retreat”. But Climate lukewarmer Bjørn Lomborg’s arguments inexplicably resonate with lots of people.…
This Is An Emergency!
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach We’ve just seen, up close and personal, the huge problems with the declaration of a State of Emergency by some potentate from City Mayor to……
OUTED: Climate Industrial Complex: Emails Show ‘Urgent’ Media Role in ‘Climate Disinformation’ & Hill Hearings
From Government Accountability and Oversight (GAO): Bloomberg reporter outed as tool of climate PR/cancelation campaign, Hill hearings: ‘Urgently’ pressing story for House “climate disinformation” hearings this week, which emails also show had been……
Weekly Climate and Energy New Roundup #519
The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin. Thomas Huxley…
Wave Of German Insolvencies Picks Up Speed…”Tenfold Increase in Gas, Electricity Prices”
One baker in our local area has seen his monthly gas bills go from 3000 euros earlier this year to 11,000 euros!…
Aussie PM: “Entirely Appropriate” King Charles Continue his Climate Activism
King Charles recently stated he will leave causes he cares about “in the hands of others”. But Aussie PM Anthony Albanese thinks climate activism should not be seen as political.…