California Urges Residents Not to Charge EVs after 4pm
As California’s global warming ready energy grid of the future buckles under a heatwave, residents have been urged not to charge electric vehicles between 4-9pm.…
Steven McIntyre vs. the Spawn of Yamal
Stephen McIntyre’s tweet thread is a delight for old timers of the Climate Wars and has resurrected the issue, or at least the region, of the Enchanted Larch of Yamal.……
Andrew Dessler vs. Steven Koonin Debate Official Version Posted
Texas A&M University’s Andrew Dessler vs. Steven Koonin, former undersecretary for science at the Department of Energy, at the Soho Forum.…
Oops: Alaskan Electric Buses Run Out of Power in Winter
Who could have guessed electric vehicles might struggle in cold climates?…
RIP Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet Leader and Climate Activist
Mikhail Gorbachev will be remembered by most as the last leader of the Soviet Union. But he was also one of the founding architects of United Nations Climate Action Machine.…
Australian Academy of Science Demands Dissent be Silenced
In a submission to the Australian Government, the AAS has demanded “disinformation” about climate change, the great barrier reef, and Covid vaccines be censored from broadcast news and the internet.…