BOM Buries Record Daily Rainfall During Lismore Floods
Curiously this 24-hour rainfall total, what should be recognised as a new 24-hour rainfall record for Lismore of 467 mm, has not been entered into any of the official reports or into the official Australian Data Archive for Meteorology (ADAM).…
Carbon Dioxide: “The Gas of Life”, Douglas Lightfoot
He looks upon his current energy work as service to the community to guide people to understand the importance of energy to our society and to making good decisions to ensure an adequate and reliable energy supply.…
Democrats Soak U.S. Taxpayers $430+ Billions so World’s CO2 can Climb 2+ Billion Tons by 2030
Biden and his Democrats seem intent on destroying U.S. energy and economic viability in the clearly incompetent, misguided and false belief that they are “fighting climate change”. …
Uncertainty Estimates for Routine Temperature Data Sets.
Modern climate research commonly fails adequate recognition of three guiding principles about uncertainty.…
Aussie Climate Minister: 600,000 Workers are Required for the Green Transition
Australia’s energy and environment minister Chris Bowen has revealed his vision for an Australian renewable superpower which creates lots of well paid green jobs.…
Energy Crisis LIES And SOLUTIONS | Alex Epstein
Alex Epstein joins the show to discuss his new book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas—Not Less.…