What is the Full Cost?
The idea of ‘free energy’ available from solar panels or the wind has had to be abandoned – there simply “ain’t no such thing as a free lunch” (h/t Robert Heinlein).…
Claim: Learning Your Climate Criminal Family Tree Helps with Motivation
According to Research Associate Flossie Kingsbury, learning how your ancestors exploited the natives and burned lots of coal helps you embrace the idea of climate reparations.…
Faculty Freedom of Speech and Diversity is Threatened at the University of Washington
Threats reminiscent of the loyalty oaths of the late 1940s and early 1950s. Subtle and overt pressure against faculty holding the “wrong views”, with University faculty increasingly pushed towards a monoculture of political correctness.…
Discovery Of ‘Ghost’ Fossils Reveals Plankton Resilience to Past Global Warming Events
An international team of scientists have discovered a new type of fossilisation Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON An international team of scientists from UCL (University College London), the Swedish Museum……
How Fast-Growing Algae Could Enhance Growth Of Food Crops
A new study provides a framework to boost crop growth by incorporating a strategy adopted from a fast-growing species of green algae.…
Blackouts… Because Climate Change! Blame Natural Gas!
Guest “They got it bass-ackwards, once again” by David Middleton Electricity operators must wake up to climate change — or brace for summer outagesBY ROMANY M. WEBB, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR –……