Stop Whining about Wine, 60 Minutes, Data Show Grape Production Doing Well
While the weather outside may have been frightful for wine producers in France in 2021, contrary to 60 Minutes’ story, data clearly show long-term climate change is not devastating wine production there or anywhere else.…
Unsung Zeroes: The Top 10 Under-Reported Climate Flops of 2021
The year 2021 may go down in history as the year that foretold the end of the climate idiocy movement — although the movement is unlikely to take the hint. This year witnessed the follies, failures and lies of climate idiocy laid bare for all to see — that is, if the media had actually reported them.…
Manchin’s Not The Climate Problem
It’s patently obvious that Manchin’s blocking of the BBB is climatically inconsequential compared to what will happen in the rest of the world. Blaming him for nothing is simply a pointless demonstration of climate innumeracy.…
More Evidence: Glaciers Existing Today Were Absent For Nearly All Of The Last 10,000 Years
So, once again, there is no evidence to support the alarmist claims that modern glacier extents are unprecedented or even unusual relative to the last 10,000 years – including the last few centuries.…
Scientists Recruiting Kids for Climate Propaganda
Climate scientist Marji Puotinen hard at work recruiting the next generation of child soldiers for the climate movement.…
Save the Whales… Or Save the Planet?
Guest “Did the whales do this on porpoise?” by David Middleton Vineyard Wind Harpooned By New Federal Lawsuit By Robert BryceDecember 27, 2021 Despite more than a decade of hype and……