CO2 Party: Having Fun with Probabilities

Fundamentally, it appears that the increase in CO2, as exhibited during the Fall-Spring ramp-up phase, is not being matched by the drawdown phase in Summer, despite the slope of the Summer curve being steeper. …

Claim: Brain Study on How to Slow Down Climate Change

Our neuroscientific findings can therefore help to make communication on the climate crisis more effective, for instance by giving those affected a name and a face instead of talking about an anonymous ‘future generation’…

Study: Ancient Fish Thrived During PETM Extreme Global Warming

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a period of extremely rapid global warming which occurred 10 million years after the demise of the dinosaurs, was supposed to have been an ocean catastrophe. Instead, even temperate climate fish treated the warmth like a tropical food buffet.…