Climate Change? Energy Development First! (plea from Mozambique)

As a Senegalese entrepreneur, I can tell you what’s holding Africa back: lack of affordable energy. We live on a continent where the average annual income is less than $2,000, and the majority of people rely on fossil fuels for survival. The climate goals wealthy nations demanded at the recent COP26 summit aren’t only absurd, they are a death sentence for Africans.…

Climate Change Weekly #418

The alarmed climate elites’ hypocritical “do as I say, not as I do; hair shirts and gruel for thee, but not for me” attitudes were on full display at the U.N. climate conference, COP-26 for short, held in Glasgow, Scotland from October 31 through November 13.…

US LNG Exports Hit New Record Highs

Guest “Frac on!” by David Middleton Some LNG Basics Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management Today, the United States is the world’s largest producer of natural……