Marc Morano Takes on Climate Alarmist Reporter at ICCC-14
Marc Morano responds to climate-alarmist reporter’s attacks at recent 14th Annual International Conference on Climate Change…
Weather vs. Alarmism
After Sunday’s storm, the 7-day rainfall totals could range from 5 to 8 inches over the North Bay, 3 to 5 inches in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and 1 to 3 inches across the San Francisco Bay Area down to Big Sur.…
2001-2019 Warming Driven By Increases In Absorbed Solar Radiation, Not Human Emissions
Three new studies affirm the increase in absorbed solar radiation associated with decreased reflection by clouds (albedo) has been the “root cause” of the positive Earth Energy Imbalance and global warming since the early 2000s.…
Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #475
Presentation of the Fredrick Seitz Memorial Award: Comments Given at 14th International Conference on Climate Change by The Heartland Institute introducing David R. Legates, recipient of the 2021 Fredrick Seitz Memorial Award.…
Transport Of Tropical Ocean Heat Causes An Over Estimation Of The Global Average Temperature
Jim Steele Video shows how the redistribution of tropical ocean heat to the Arctic can raise the global average temperature without any added energy to the earth’s climate A simple……
The Conversation: Why are People so Climate Nonchalant?
The Conversation asks why ordinary people are so hostile towards Extinction Rebellion, when the world is on the brink of a sixth major extinction?…