Friday Cheerfulness
From Josh…
Google Demonetizes Websites Which Contradict Their Climate Narrative
According to The Register, Google’s advertisers have demanded their ads not be shown on pages which dispute the climate emergency.…
Announcing: The First WUWT Climate Change Essay Contest
That’s right, we are having an essay contest, and there will be cash prizes for the winners. But I’ll need your help. As many of you know, over the past……
Alaska polar bear researchers claim poor sea ice limited spring field work in 2021 more than 2019
The reporter tries to paint a picture of polar bears suffering harm from these recent conditions but in fact there is no published data from the Southern Beaufort after 2016, and any effects claimed to have been documented in bears up to that year have not been conclusively demonstrated to have been caused by sea ice loss (Crockford 2021) because a correlation is not evidence of causation.…
Guardian: UK Industry Facing Climate Policy Winter Shutdown
People who lived through the blackouts and economic chaos of the 1970s must be experiencing a strong sense of deja-vu, with Boris Johnson starring as the spiritual successor of the weak, ineffectual Conservative leader Edward Heath.…
Claim: Green Loans and Solar Panels Could Save Households Money
Australia’s “climate genius” Seth Griffith explains how households could all be powered by government financed solar with an EV in the garage by 2024.…