How do higher waves cause more ice clouds? Researchers claim expedition into arctic sea explains
Scientists explain the peculiar interplay that exists between sea-ice decline, wave height, and ice cloud formation over the Arctic…
IPCC Model Scenarios Compared To Actual Measured Temperatures
In an effort to hold the IPCC accountable, I have compared actual measured temperatures with two of their scenarios from the AR4 report in 2007. The B1 and A2 scenarios. See Appendix “A” for the relevant section of the AR4 report.…
The Impossibility Of The 1.5C Target
Be warned. We will be told that the world has finally committed to keeping temperature rise below 1.5C, and we must therefore play our full part by destroying our economy. Meanwhile China, India and the rest of the developing world will carry on regardless.…
Green Britain faces food shortages as energy crisis shuts down factories
As energy prices in Europe go through the roof, factories are beginning to shut down and food is disappearing from the shelves. Welcome to green Britain, offering a foretaste of what life will be like under Net Zero conditions – poorer, colder, hungrier – unless Government changes course.…
Claim: Coral reef cover, biodiversity, fish catches have declined by half since the 1950s
. “The effects of degraded and declining coral reefs are already evident through impacts on subsistence and commercial fisheries and tourism in Indonesia, the Caribbean, and South Pacific, even when marine protected areas are present, as they do not provide protection from climate change and may suffer from lack of enforcement and marine protected area staff capacity,” the researchers write.…
Canada Election: Climate Skeptics Could Win The Balance Of Power
This Monday’s election in Canada will be unusually exciting. With both major parties neck and neck, the People’s Party of Canada, a pro-freedom right wing splinter group with a hard climate skeptic platform, has a real chance of winning seats in a very close election.…