The Future Of Energy: One Of These Things Is Not Real
In the reality on the ground, thousands of independent actors, both private and governments, are ready and able to fill the demand for fossil fuels and to make lots of money in the process. Meanwhile, the Democratic pols in the U.S. are so arrogant that they think they can push water uphill.…
Blocking The Wind
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I keep reading about how offshore wind farms are the electricity generating method of the future, because they’re so darn inexpensive. Here’s the New York……
Climate models fail in key test region
The researchers found that when compared to observations, almost every CMIP5 model fails, no matter whether the multidecadal variability is assumed to be forced or internal. They also found institutional bias in that output from the same model, or from models from the same institution, tended to be clustered together, and in many cases differ significantly from other clusters produced by other institutions. Overall only a few climate models out of three dozen considered were found to be consistent with the observations.…
NASA Map Gives Most Accurate Space-Based View of LA’s Carbon Dioxide
The highest CO2 readings, in yellow on the map, are on the west side of downtown L.A. – a densely populated area with congested freeways and CO2-emitting industries. Yellow indicates atmospheric CO2 elevated by five or more molecules out of every million molecules of air, or five parts per million. That’s equivalent to the amount that global atmospheric CO2 is rising globally on average every two years…
A few common bacteria account for majority of carbon use in soil
“Better understanding how individual organisms contribute to carbon cycling has important implications for managing soil fertility and reducing uncertainty in climate change projections,” said Kirsten Hofmockel, Microbiome Science Team Lead at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and a co-author of the study. “This research teases apart taxonomic and functional diversity of soil microorganisms and asks us to consider biodiversity in a new way.”…
The Injustice of Blowing-Up Turtles, for Convenience
Reposted from Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog June 8, 2021 By jennifer It is World Ocean Day, an opportunity to learn more about the Great Barrier Reef and also artificial reefs in the Gulf……