Borrow and Hope – for the Planet?
If the Earth is cooking, does it really matter how much money we borrow or print to cool it down? If we fail, we won’t even be here to pay it back. If it works, there will be plenty of profits and taxes to get the economy back in balance.…
Claim: Tropical species are moving northward in U.S. as winters warm
“Quite a few mosquito species are expanding northward, as well as a lot of forestry pests: bark beetles, the southern mountain pine beetle,” said Caroline Williams, associate professor of integrative biology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a co-author of the paper. “In our study, we were really focusing on that boundary in the U.S. where we get that quick tropical-temperate transition. Changes in winter conditions are one of the major, if not the major, drivers of shifting distributions.”…
The contradictory Green policies to limit CO2 emissions
An excellent way to undermine Western economies is to render their power generation unreliable and expensive. That objective of Green thinking is progressively being achieved by Government policy throughout the Western world but without any popular voter mandate.…
New Study Challenges Long-Held Theory of Fate of Mars’ Water
From NASA The new science results indicate that a large quantity of the Red Planet’s water is trapped in its crust rather than having escaped into space. Billions of years……
Australian Financial Review Advises Readers to Embrace Climate Investments
According to the AFR, “You don’t want to own a portfolio that has a high allocation to carbon-intensive companies that cannot make the transition.”. Just one problem – there will be no transition.…
National Review wins, Michael Mann loses!
By Andy May The D.C. Superior Court dismissed Michael Mann’s lawsuit against the National Review today in a definitive way. The National Review was sued by Mann over a blog……