The social costs of carbon cancelation

The SCC enables agencies and their allies to attach any price they wish to every conceivable cost of using fossil fuels: hotter and colder, wetter and drier climate and weather; more frequent and intense hurricanes; reduced agricultural output; forest health and wildfires; floods, droughts and water resources; “forced migration” of people and wildlife; worsening health and disease; flooded coastal cities; even “reduced student learning and worker productivity,” due to warmer planetary temperatures.…

Clouds From Both Sides Now

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Clouds are said to be the largest uncertainty in climate models, and I can believe that. Their representation in the models is highly parameterized, each……

Broken Water Pipe Takes Out U.S. Buoy Data

A broken pipe and flooding has closed down a key NOAA data facility in Silver Spring, Maryland, and there is no estimate of when this data source will become available. And, in fact, other important data sources are also being affected, such as the coastal marine sites (CMAN) and even some airport locations.…