Billionaire Sea Level Hype
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Here’s how billionaire climate hype works. Without presenting a scrap of evidence to back up his claim, Bill Gates, multi-billionaire inventor of the blue screen……
Claim: Coal, Gas and Nuclear Plants are Struggling with the Heat of Global Warming
According to climate scientists Ethan Coffel and Justin Mankin, we need to replace coal, gas and nuclear plants with solar and wind, because they are less affected by the heat of global warming.…
Dr Fauci Spins His Handy Wheel of Science.
Dr. Fauci’s latest press conference reveals the latest virus safety measures according to the science… WHEEL!…
Michael Mann Upset WUWT Picked on Greta Thunberg
Despite leaking the secret plans of her revolutionary comrades in India, or triggering a cascade of international airline flights with her frantic personal efforts to avoid flying, Greta really cares about CO2. After all, she can see CO2 molecules.…
The vice that is virtue-signaling
One of the reasons why rabbis and priests have generally, and creditably, stood firm against totalitarianism – often at the cost of their lives – is that those who would direct and compel their fellow-citizens by fear and by force nearly always do so because they are, and know in their heart of hearts that they are, wilfully wrong about just about everything.…
Biden’s Offshore Leasing Mortarium Will Increase GHG Emissions
Guest “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton Reporting From Ice Station Dallas NOIA Statement on BOEM Rescinding Record of Decision for……
Weakest link to EV growth is the material supply chain
The worldwide plans for EV domination of the vehicle population are like having the plans to build a large house without sufficient materials being available to ever finish the house.…
The Day After Tomorrow – Dallas Edition
Guest “Ice Station Dallas Report” by David Middleton Ice Station Dallas: 15 February 2021, 0630 Current Weather Conditions: 6 °F (-14 °C), 34 °F (10 °C) below “normal.” Approximately 4-6……