Climate Model Failure
By Andy May On January 22, 2021, John Christy presented a new online talk to the Irish Climate Science Forum. The talk was arranged by Jim O’Brien. A summary of……
A Mixed Up Mixed Layer
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A recent post here on WUWT entitled “Claim: Marine heatwaves becoming more intense, more frequent” referenced a study as saying: When thick, the surface layer of……
That Way Madness Lies
A climate scientist spent years trying to get people to pay attention to the disaster ahead. His wife is exhausted. His older son thinks there’s no future. And nobody but him will use the outdoor toilet he built to shrink his carbon footprint.…
@ govkristinoem Kristi Noem, Here’s Something You Can Deliver for the American People
Global warming is the religion of choice for militant atheists, without which their meaningless lives would seem empty, hollow, depressing and pointless. The former science journalist Nicholas Wade makes a case that we are hardwired to believe in a religion as it is a kind of software that enhances societal productivity. But some religions are better than others and global warming is one of the worst, being largely self-flagellation with some nature worship mixed in. Global warming, the religion, doesn’t build hospitals, nursing homes or anything else useful.…
How much global warming should IPCC’s next report predict?
Mainstream climate scientists have been busy in the last two years, publishing updated climatological data in time for IPCC’s forthcoming Sixth Assessment Report. The availability of those recent mainstream data provides an opportunity to derive from them the midrange equilibrium climate sensitivity to doubled CO2 (ECS) that IPCC ought to be predicting on the basis of those data.…
Claim: Atmospheric river storms can drive costly flooding – and climate change is making them stronger
Atmospheric rivers are long, narrow bands of moisture in the atmosphere that extend from the tropics to higher latitudes. These rivers in the sky can transport 15 times the volume of the Mississippi River. When that moisture reaches the coast and moves inland, it rises over the mountains, generating rain and snowfall and sometimes causing extreme flooding.…