Elon Musk Offers $100 Million for the Best Carbon Capture Technology
Remember all those assurances we’ve heard over the years, that carbon capture technology is ready for mainstream deployment? Turns out the technology is a little less ready to deploy than some people would like you to believe.…
Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Back in 2015 in a post called “Noise Assisted Data Analysis“, I described a way to decompose a signal into its underlying components. It’s known……
Meet The Team Shaking Up Climate Models
They have gathered some of the brightest experts from around the world to start to build a new, modern climate model. They hope to corral the vast flow of data from sensors in space, on land, and in the ocean, and enlist “machine learning,” a kind of artificial intelligence, to bring their model alive and provide new insight into what many believe is the most pressing threat facing the planet.…
Claim: Major discovery helps explain coral bleaching
ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE Research News Corals, like all animals, must eat to live. The problem is that most corals grow in tropical waters that are poor in nutrients,……
Simulating 800,000 Years Of California Earthquake History To Pinpoint Risks
“Using Southern California as an example, we haven’t had a truly big earthquake since 1857 — that was the last time the southern San Andreas broke into a massive magnitude 7.9 earthquake. A San Andreas earthquake could impact a much larger area than the 1994 Northridge earthquake, and other large earthquakes can occur too. That’s what we’re worried about.”…
Wild claim: Nuclear war could trigger big El Niño and decrease seafood
A nuclear war could trigger an unprecedented El Niño-like warming episode in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, slashing algal populations by 40 percent and likely lowering the fish catch, according to a Rutgers-led study.…