How ‘Iron Man’ bacteria could help protect the environment

But Reguera’s team challenged that thinking and found Geobacter to be effective cobalt “miners,” extracting the metal from rust without letting it penetrate their cells and kill them. Rather, the bacteria essentially coat themselves with the metal.…

A Response To “A CO2 Oddity”

By Joe Bastardi I see that Willis has referenced an idea I posed on a blog from another source so I wanted to make sure for WUWT I am clear.……

Modern microbes provide window into ancient ocean

Step into your new, microscopic time machine. Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered that a type of single-celled organism living in modern-day oceans may have a lot in common with life forms that existed billions of years ago–and that fundamentally transformed the planet.…

More food for Polar Bears: Arctic report card 2020 highlights the huge benefit of less summer sea ice

As well as summarizing sea ice changes, NOAA’s 2020 Arctic Report Card features two reports that document the biggest advantage of much less summer sea ice than there was before 2003: increased primary productivity. Being at the top of the Arctic food chain, polar bears have been beneficiaries of this phenomenon because the Arctic marine mammals they depend on for food – seals, walrus and bowhead whales – have been thriving despite less ice in summer.…