Inside The Bayesian Priory
Anyone who thinks that a description of reality is only worthwhile if it matches the output of absurdly simplistic climate models is not worth my time to investigate.…
National Journal on Possible Trump Submission of Paris Climate Treaty to Senate
“Any claim that Paris compels U.S. action or inaction would now confront doubt that a U.S. commitment to Paris was anything but a political commitment,”…
Study: Dangerous Global Warming Could Occur by 2027
We laughed when Alexandria Occasio Cortez claimed that the world would end in 12 years. According to a new climate study, AOC is an optimist; we might only have seven years. But the authors appear to make some fairly pessimistic assumptions to achieve that prognosis.…
Why do the HadSST Sea-Surface Temperatures Trend Down?
By Andy May The simple answer is that the portion of the ocean, roughly 54%, that has HadSST values is getting cooler. But Nick Stokes doesn’t believe that. His idea……
An Upbeat Look at Nuclear with Rod Adams
Robert Bryce’s Power Hungry podcast has a excellent interview with longtime nuclear energy blogger and podcaster Rod Adams. It’s almost two hours and has rather few views so I thought I’d post a little bit of background and highlights.…
Study suggests great earthquakes as cause of Arctic warming
MOSCOW INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY Research News A researcher from MIPT has proposed a new explanation for the Arctic’s rapid warming. In his recent paper in Geosciences, he suggests that……