The Replication Crisis

Growing awareness of the replication crisis has rocked the fields of medicine and psychology, in particular, where famous experiments and influential findings have been cast into doubt. But these issues affect researchers in a wide range of disciplines–from economics to particle physics to climate science–and addressing them requires an interdisciplinary approach.…

Greta Thunberg Slams New Zealand’s Unambitious Climate Emergency

Greta Thunberg has slammed New Zealand’s “so-called” climate emergency. But rather than thank Greta for her criticism, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has compounded her error, and publicly contradicted the harsh words of the Swedish global climate leader.…

Sea-Surface Temperatures: Hadley Centre v. NOAA

By Andy May My last post compared actual sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates to one another to see how well they agreed. It was not a pretty sight; the various estimates covered a range of global average SSTs from ~14°C to almost 20°C. In addition, some SSTs were declining with time and others were increasing. While……

WUWT – big changes, returning to a ‘war footing’ on climate

With the likely installation of a Biden administration comes a renewed and likely vicious climate war. I have inside information that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) will be pushing the Biden administration, calling for prominent climate skeptics, and climate skeptical organizations to be put on investigations and “show trials” for daring to question the consensus. There……

Politicizing Business: From CSR to ESG

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)… stakeholder theory … sustainability … environmental, social, and governance investing (ESG). Whatever the term, the premise is that business is a cultural failure as well as a “market failure” and therefore must be socially regulated in addition to being governmentally regulated.…