“Eventually Tibet Will Become like Afghanistan”: Dalai Lama Calls for Urgent Climate Action
“Buddha Would be Green”: The Dalai Lama claims urgent action is required to prevent climate change from impacting Tibet and the rest of the world.…
The Coming Energy Shocks under a Biden Administration
There is a view that suggests that now that Joe Biden has (most likely) won the US presidential election, a modicum of pragmatism will prevail as the Democrats’ excessive campaign promises face the cold light of day and as the real costs of policy decisions become apparent. Furthermore, one would have to note that there are limits as to what even a US Presidency – the world’s most powerful executive office — can do within constitutional limits. There is the likelihood that the US Senate will remain Republican and hence provide a check on the more extreme pledges made in the name of ‘net zero’ emissions in the power sector by 2035 and in the entire economy by 2050.…
Claim: Climate change causes landfalling hurricanes to stay stronger for longer
Climate change is causing hurricanes that make landfall to take more time to weaken, reports a study published 11th November 2020 in leading journal, Nature.…
Joe Biden Advisor Recommends 4-6 Week National Covid-19 Lockdown
Biden advisor Dr. Michael Osterholm wants a US nationwide lockdown of 4-6 weeks, to achieve the same level of control over Covid-19 as Australia and New Zealand achieved. But this faith in lockdowns ignores a few natural advantages which helped Australia and New Zealand gain control of the virus.…
FT: Ignoring Climate Activist Campaigns is No Longer an Option for Australian Business
If you want to invest in Australia, especially in an extractive industry like coal mining, you better be prepared for intense scrutiny and bullying from climate activists and overzealous government agencies.…
EIA: US CO2 Emissions From Electricity Generation Down to 1980’s Levels… Frac On!
Guest “Frac on!” by David Middleton NOVEMBER 10, 2020U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions fell in 2019, mainly in electric generation After rising by 3% in 2018, energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fell 3% in the United States in 2019. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) U.S. Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2019 analysis, total energy-related CO2……