New paper suggests historical period estimates of climate sensitivity are not biased low by unusual variability in sea surface temperature patterns
An important new paper by Thorsten Mauritsen, Associate Professor at Stockholm University[i] and myself has just been accepted for publication (Lewis and Mauritsen 2020)[ii]. Its abstract reads:…
Kamala Harris and AOC craft crazy climate law
Thanks to Harris andIn fact the team of Harris and AOC has now codified the concept of climate justice. Just before the convention they jointly dropped the Climate Equity Act into the Senate and House hoppers. AOC, the strange beast of “climate justice” is now a big part of the Democrat’s agenda.…
Heads I Win Tails You Lose: The Canadian Pandemic Model
Comments on the Canadian Health Ministries Latest Sars-Cov-2 Projections…
Big Oil Asset Write-Downs Are Not The End Of The Oil Age
Climate change activists have long lobbied for divestment from fossil fuel-producing companies. They have largely failed in this quest. This year, the steep falls in the value of the large oil and gas companies, however, occurred with a rapidity that astonished market watchers.…
ABC: Failure to Acknowledge the Climate Change Grief of Others Causes Serious Health Problems
According to the Australian ABC, people frequently fail to properly acknowledge or recognise “Climate Grief”, feelings of loss and despair some people experience over events which mostly have not happened yet. Supporters of the idea of climate grief claim the failure of members of the public to validate the climate grief of others leads to “major physical and mental health problems”.…
False Alarm: Book Review
Lomborg’s facility in using simple language to explain economic concepts is put to work once again in this new book “False Alarm,” which is devoted to the topic of climate change. His first chapter, entitled “Why do we get climate change so wrong?” warns the reader to anticipate a critical examination of prevailing public beliefs about climate change.…