Media Freak Out Over EPA Chief Questioning Climate Change Dogma

On Friday, correspondents on the network morning shows were beside themselves as they breathlessly reported on Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt voicing skepticism of the liberal dogma about man-made global warming. The hostile coverage even included a call on Pruitt to resign over the comments.

CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King introduced a report on the controversy by fretting: “President Trump’s EPA administrator, who sued the agency repeatedly in his former job, has touched off a fierce new argument over climate change. In an interview yesterday, Scott Pruitt questioned the role that humans play in global warming.”

Correspondent Chip Reid followed:

In 2013, an intergovernmental panel of 2,000 scientists said it was, quote, “extremely likely that humans are the dominant cause of global warming.” That same sentiment is expressed on the EPA’s own website. But the new leader of that agency doesn’t seem to agree….EPA administrator Scott Pruitt yesterday questioned the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on the environment.

The reporter warned: “This is not the first time the man tasked with protecting the environment has questioned global warming. In an op/ed last year, Pruitt said the debate over climate change ‘is far from settled,’ claiming scientists are still questioning ‘its connection to the actions of mankind.’”

Building on King and Reid’s hyperventilating, a soundbite ran of Sierra Club director Michael Brune ranting: “He should not be serving as head of the EPA and he should resign immediately.” Reid touted how Brune “says the new comments show Pruitt is not fit for the job.”

Extent Of Multi-Year Arctic Sea Ice Is The Highest In A Decade

NOAA claims that multi-year Arctic sea ice (MYI) is “vanishing.” The Arctic’s oldest ice is vanishing | NOAA In fact, the area covered by MYI has doubled over the past decade, and is now at a ten year high. MYI is shown in white in the OSISAF ice type image below. ‎ The extent of MYI has been rapidly increasing since 2008, and has more than doubled.

Source: Extent Of Multi-Year Arctic Sea Ice Is The Highest In A Decade

Warmists Freak Out Over EPA Chief’s Skepticism: ‘Outed himself as a pure climate denier’ – ‘Unqualified…extreme…irresponsible’

Scott Pruitt
EPA chief Scott Pruitt says carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming  

Scientists, environmentalists and Democratic lawmakers quickly denounced EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt after he said Thursday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to climate change.

“I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do, and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so no, I would not agree that it’s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see,” he said.

Sen. Tom Carper, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, tweeted about the comment, “I think 97% of the world’s scientists were surprised to learn this today! I know I was.”

With his latest comment, Pruitt’s mask has come off, said David Doniger, director of the Climate & Clean Air Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“After obscuring his true views during his Senate confirmation hearings, Scott Pruitt has outed himself as a pure climate denier,” he said. “Having an EPA administrator who claims carbon pollution is not the primary cause of climate change is like having a U.S. surgeon general who says smoking is not the primary cause of lung cancer.”

Pruitt’s comment on Thursday is “nothing short of an atrocity,” said Aura Vasquez, director of Climate Justice at the Center for Popular Democracy, a group that aims to build organizing power at the state and local level.

“Denying the science of this reality will impact millions of people on the front lines of a dangerously changing climate, especially low-income communities and communities of color,” she said.

Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, co-chair of the Senate Climate Action Task Force issued a statement shortly after the interview calling Pruitt’s views “extreme” and “irresponsible.”

“Anyone who denies over a century’s worth of established science and basic facts is unqualified to be the administrator of the EPA. Now more than ever, the Senate needs to stand up to Scott Pruitt and his dangerous views,” he said in a statement.
