Report: Trump to sign executive orders related to EPA’s climate work once Pruitt is confirmed
Inside EPA reports that President Trump plans to sign executive orders involving climate change at an EPA swearing-in ceremony set to take place once his nominee to head the agency, Scott Pruitt, is confirmed. From the Hill:
At that event, an administration source told Inside EPA that Trump will sign executive orders related to the agency’s climate work and that they could “suck the air out of the room,” according to the report.
The official did not say how many orders Trump will sign or what they will address. But the planned event could be similar to one Trump held at the Pentagon after Defense Secretary James Mattis was sworn in.
Inside EPA is a subscription site but the opening paragraph of the story states Trump will, “visit EPA headquarters to sign executive orders (EOs) aimed at scaling back the agency’s climate change and other work.” It’s not clear what “scaling back” means.
This leak to Inside EPA might be aimed at creating trouble for Scott Pruitt, who has yet to be confirmed. Recall that the EPA has been reported, at least twice, to be full of weepy bureaucrats unable to deal with Trump’s election victory. Earlier this month Politico reported that some of the bureaucrats had organized an encrypted communication network aimed at getting the word out about any EPA-related moves by Trump. The plan involved laundering the leaks through former Obama appointees with one EPA employee telling Politico, “It’s probably much safer to have those folks act as the conduit and to act as the gathering point rather than somebody in the agency.”…
UK Guardian: Trump’s likely science adviser calls climate scientists ‘glassy-eyed cult’
The man tipped as frontrunner for the role of science adviser to Donald Trumphas described climate scientists as “a glassy-eyed cult” in the throes of a form of collective madness.
William Happer, an eminent physicist at Princeton University, met Trump last month to discuss the post and says that if he were offered the job he would take it. Happer is highly regarded in the academic community, but many would view his appointment as a further blow to the prospects of concerted international action on climate change.
“There’s a whole area of climate so-called science that is really more like a cult,” Happer told the Guardian. “It’s like Hare Krishna or something like that. They’re glassy-eyed and they chant. It will potentially harm the image of all science.”
Trump has previously described global warming as “very expensive … bullshit” and has signalled a continued hardline stance since taking power. He has nominated the former Texas governor Rick Perry, a staunch climate sceptic, as secretary of energy and hopes to put the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) under the leadership of Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general, who has been one of the agency’s most hostile critics.
John Holdren, Barack Obama’s science adviser, said Happer’s outspoken opinions would be a “substantial handicap” for a job that has traditionally involved delivering mainstream scientific opinion to the heart of policymaking.
“Every national academy of science agrees that the science is solid, that climate change is real,” he said. “To call this a cult is absurd and … an insult to the people who have done this work.”
Happer also supports a controversial crackdown on the freedom of federal agency scientists to speak out about their findings, arguing that mixed messages on issues such as whether butter or margarine is healthier, have led to people disregarding all public health information.
“So many people are fed up of listening to the government lie to them about margarine and climate change that when something is actually true and beneficial
Renowned Princeton Physicist Tells Journalists: CO2 is a ‘non-problem.’ – ‘Let me be clear: I think it’s a good thing’
Renowned Princeton Physicist Schools New York Times Science Journalist On CO2 Science!
Renowned Princeton physicist William Happer told New York Times science journalist Andrew Revkin in an online video conference that he believes the world has got it all wrong when it comes to the implications of CO2 emissions into our atmosphere.
Happer told Revkin that “any dispassionate weighing of the facts would give you a negative cost of carbon” and that “more CO2 is good for the world“.
Moreover Happer believes that the whole climate issue has “distracted people from real problems” like massive pollution in places like China and India.
Happer adds that he thinks “enormous damage has been done to the environment by diverting money from real problems to completely made up problems.”
He tells the New York Times journalist that he absolutely sees CO2 as a “non-problem” and that he even sees the trace gas “as good“. He reiterates: “Let me be clear: It think it’s not a problem. I think it’s a good thing.”
– See more at:…
Analysis: Climate data has been altered for decades to promote ‘global warming’ fears
In 1990, Tom Karl and the IPCC showed that Earth was much warmer 900 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP.)
But by 1995, climate scientists had made the decision to get rid of the inconvenient MWP.
U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
By 2001, Michael Mann and the IPCC followed up on their plans, and eliminated the MWP.
IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001
The 1990 IPCC report also had detailed Arctic sea ice satellite data from NOAA, which showed that Arctic sea ice extent was much lower in 1973 than in 1979.
Government scientists also knew in 1985 that Arctic sea ice extent was much lower in the 1940’s and 1950’s than it was in 1973.
Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide (Technical Report) | SciTech Connect
The pre-1979 Arctic sea ice data was extremely inconvenient, so NOAA simply made it disappear. They now start their graphs right at the peak year in 1979. I have been trying to obtain the pre-1979 IPCC satellite data from NOAA for over six months, and they have been “unable to locate it.”
In the 1950’s scientists were well aware that the “thin crust” of Arctic sea ice was disappearing, and predicted an ice-free Arctic within a generation.
The Changing Face of the Arctic; The Changing Face of the Arctic – The New York Times
Scientists were also aware that by 1970 Arctic sea ice was getting much thicker and more extensive.
U.S. and Soviet Press Studies of a Colder Arctic – The New York Times
This prior warmth and subsequent cooling in the Arctic was inconvenient, so NOAA and NASA made it disappear.
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
In 1985 Phil Jones At CRU showed a large global warming spike around 1940, followed by about 0.5C cooling.
Projecting the climatic effects of increasing carbon dioxide (Technical Report) | SciTech Connect
The 1940’s spike was inconvenient for Phil Jones and the rest of his cohorts, so they discussed how to get rid of it.
And that they did. They have completely eliminated the 1940’s blip and subsequent cooling. It no longer exists in the temperature record.
NASA has also removed the inconvenient 1940’s warmth and subsequent cooling, just as scientists discussed doing.
Warmists promote death to Africa?! ‘It’s time for Africa to reject current development model based on fossil fuels’
Man made induced climate changes are escalating frequent and intense weather events.
With an escalating climate crisis and more devastating damages, it’s time for Africa to reject the current development model based on fossil fuels and rapidly transition towards a decentralised renewable energy system which can not only respond to the growing energy needs, but also integrate community resilience to climate change.
EPA: US greenhouse gas emissions declined in 2015
Greenhouse gas emissions in the United States declined by 2.2 percent between 2014 and 2015, federal officials reported on Tuesday.
In its annual draft greenhouse gas report, the EPA said total emissions of climate change-causing gases decreased in 2015 after back-to-back years of small growth. The report uses the most up-to-date data about greenhouse gas emissions.
The EPA attributed the overall decline to lower carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels, which itself came about because of less coal consumption in favor of natural gas, warmer winter weather that decreased heating fuel demand and lower electricity demand overall.
Carbon dioxide emissions, which make up 82.2 percent of overall U.S. greenhouse gases, decreased by 2.9 percent in 2015, the agency said.
Because fossil fuel consumption accounts for more than 93 percent of those emissions, carbon trends are driven primarily by changes in the energy market. Overall emissions decline when there is decreased demand for energy, as well as a reduction in the carbon intensity of fuels burned for energy.
Those factors have far-reaching implications, given potential changes in American environmental regulations. President Trump, for example, has said he will prioritize policies that support fossil fuel growth, and his EPA is unlikely to pursue the type of power sector carbon regulations pushed by the Obama administration.
Overall, the U.S. produced 6,586.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2015, and annual emissions declined for the first time since 2012. Emissions increased 2.2 percent in 2013 and 0.9 percent in 2014.
The EPA’s draft study previews a final version of its annual emissions report, which is due to the United Nations in April.…
Trump’s likely science advisor: many climate scientists ‘glassy-eyed cult’
Princeton University physicist William Happer, the most likely candidate to be #Donald Trump’s #Science Advisor, said many climate scientists are like a “glassy-eyed cult.” In a new interview with the Guardian, Happer said these scientists are suffering from a form of “collective madness.” Happer, who met with Trump last month to discuss the science advisor position, is the leading candidate for the job. He’s also certain mankind is “causing #Climate Change” and that’s just fine by him.
Happer isn’t some crackpot scientist espousing nutty ideas. He’s actually a distinguished physicist and well-regarded in the academic world. But his views on climate science are causing consternation by activist climate scientists who rely on the government for research grants and lavish funding. Happer pointed to the recent NOAA paper currently under fire after a whistleblower named Dr. John Bates came forward.
Bates showed how the authors fiddled with the temperatures to erase the well-established global warming pause. The paper, Happer said, was rushed to publication ahead of an important U.N. conference to influence a sweeping climate accord. He said the paper was more “political fanfare” than science and government agencies shouldn’t be engaged in conduct to suit political agendas.
Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse … via @dailycaller
Whistleblower: NOAA Scientists Manipulated Temperature Data To Make Global Warming Seem Worse Via…
A ‘blatant attempt to intensify the impact’