As Predicted, Global Warming blamed For Record Cold & the Polar Vortex
James Delingpole, Marc Morano and myself predicted last week that the New York Times and other climate scamsters would start their polar vortex scam this week. They delivered right on schedule.
Dan Rather smears Trump, pitches ‘erecting a monument’ for ‘climate deniers’ to showcase their ‘stupidity’
Former CBS news anchor Dan Rather has come out swinging at the “stupidity” and “folly” of “climate change deniers” and wants to “erect a monument built from materials impervious to the elements and list the names of all the elected officials and others in positions of power today in the U.S. who refuse to stand with the science on climate change.”
The former CBS newsman took direct aim at President Elect Donald Trump for “casting doubt on climate change.”
“When I see him appoint climate change deniers to key posts in his cabinet, I am deeply worried,” Rather wrote.
Rather wants this “monument” for “climate deniers” to be “on the coast – say off Miami – and have its base equal to the lapping waves of high tide. As sea levels rise, the monument will begin to be submerged, at increasingly greater depths. It will become a symbol of the cynicism, stupidity, and folly of our age.” Rather wrote about his proposed monument on his Facebook page on December 13.
[Note, it is Rather himself who has to confront his “denial.” See: Dan Rather Still in State of Denial Over CBS Departure]
Rather declared he will be on a crusade fight back against “climate change deniers” by promoting those who voice man-made climate change fears.
“I am determined to bring these voices of reason to light,” Rather wrote.
Rather recently condemned what he believes is “fake news.” See: “Dan Rather on fake news”:
“First a few people, and then a lot of people said, ‘You know what, you can put out completely false things and, especially the way the Internet works, it’ll go viral and worldwide,’” Rather said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle. “And the truth has no chance of catching up with it,” he added. “Many journalists, including myself, when we get together over an adult beverage, we talk about ‘What the hell happened here?’” (Also see: Dan Rather: Trump Response to Climate Change ‘Alarming’)
Climate Depot’s response:
Dan Rather in his retirement seems to have failed to keep up with climate change claims and the latest science.
Sea Level facts: Via page 8 of the new 44-page State of the Climate Report released during the UN Climate Summit in Morocco – November 2016
Sea levels have been rising since the last ice age ended more than 10,000 years