Warmist Law Prof. ‘Dismantling Climate Rules Isn’t So Easy’

NYT op ed by William W. Buzbee, a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center: 

Fortunately, law and reality constrain presidents and agency heads. So do deeply ingrained federalism traditions that leave room for state leadership on the environment. Collectively, law, reality and regulatory choices by states would create a bulwark against abrupt changes by Mr. Pruitt and the president. Wholesale regulatory rollbacks by presidential fiat are difficult to accomplish. Radical change would probably require Congress to amend long-enduring environmental statutes.

Regulatory reversals lacking a legal or factual basis would result in lawsuits by citizens, states and industries supporting the regulations. Challengers would argue that the rules are rooted in statutory language, court precedents and in careful documentation of environmental, technological and market facts. On the climate, for example, three Supreme Court decisions established that federal climate action is required by the Clean Air Act’s broad language; and the E.P.A. then, via another rule upheld by the judiciary, documented substantial climate risks.


Trump’s EPA pick will make Obama regret his environmental overreach

As long as the Endangerment Finding stands, any EPA, including one headed by Pruitt, will be in court defending against any subsidiary attempt to halt or reverse any regulation of carbon dioxide.

It may very well be held that the EPA remains responsible for regulation under the Supreme Court’s 2007 decision unless there is a specific act of Congress reversing its progeny policies, such as the Clean Power Plan. So the Endangerment Finding must be reversed.

But how to do it? For years, federal agencies have thrown massive support at scientists who, as human beings, serve their best interests (and their employer-universities) by generating horror-show results that also generate more support and professional advancement.

The Trump administration is going to have to stock up on scientists and administrators who are savvy to this game, and they are going to be very hard to find, as there’s very little incentive to not play along.

There’s going to have to be a massive effort to pick apart failing climate models and questionably-adjusted data. They’re going to have to find people willing to expose the current regime’s blatant abuse of logic in generating inflated “costs” of global warming, while largely ignoring the co-benefits of fossil fuel power, like doubled life expectancy and undreamt-of wealth.

The academy is going to howl, and Washington’s science lobbies, like the American Association for the Advancement of Science (headed by Democratic ex-congressman Rush Holt) are going to go berserk.

Fasten your seat belts, for we may be about to witness the scientific-cat fight of our time.

On one side will be a massive and entrenched establishment, defending models that we now know were (and this is truly shocking) often adjusted to give a predetermined result. On the other will be a dogged and far smaller clan, tearing apart the code of these models, much like the ENIGMA busters of Bletchley Park. This will get ugly.


DiCaprio reveals what he told Trump: How to ‘revitalize America with green jobs’

So what exactly did Leonardo DiCaprio, a global warming alarmist, discuss with #Donald Trump, a renowned climate sceptic, at Trump Tower on Wednesday? According to insiders, the Hollywood A-Lister, who supported Hillary Clinton during the election, discussed how Trump could revitalize America with green jobs. If that sounds familiar, that’s the same talking point Hillary used to justify dismantling the coal industry with even more regulations.

Terry Tamminen, head of California’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, said they presented the President-elect and others on his transition team with ideas to “unleash a major economic revival across the United States that is centred on investments in sustainable infrastructure.”

Making America green again?
The two, who talked for roughly 90 minutes, also discussed creating millions of green jobs in the commercial and residential renewables’ arena. They believe their vision for an energy revolution relying on wind and solar aligns closely with Trump’s vision for creating millions of new jobs in America. Trump has already reiterated on this week’s ‘victory tour’ that he would make the U.S. energy independent using all of America’s resources.

After the meeting, DiCaprio gave Trump a copy of his documentary “Before the Flood”, which has been criticised for overstating extreme weather events that statistically have not increased. When floods or droughts do occur climate alarmists are quick to lay the blame at the altar of #Climate Change. As reported earlier this week, DiCaprio had previously given Ivanka Trump a copy of his movie on Tuesday.

DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ Drowns in Sea of Green Hypocrisy – Breitbart http://bit.ly/2farlyT 

Photo published for DiCaprio's 'Before The Flood' Drowns in Sea of Green Hypocrisy - Breitbart

DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ Drowns in Sea of Green Hypocrisy – Breitbart

DiCaprio’s ‘Before The Flood’ Drowns in Sea of Green Hypocrisy


More meetings with DiCaprio?

A source not authorised to speak on the record said Trump agreed to watch the film and suggested a meeting next month. DiCaprio has been criticised for living a carbon-heavy lifestyle and was asked to step down by a leading environmental group as a U.N. Messenger of Peace for climate change. He once took a private jet from France to NY to receive a green award before flying back to a fundraising party in Cannes.…

‘Broad Shake-Up’ of Climate Policy! Trump’s ‘transition team has asked [Energy Dept] to list employee/contractors who attended UN climate meetings’

Advisers to President-elect Donald Trump are developing plans to reshape Energy Department programs, help keep aging nuclear plants online and identify staff who played a role in promoting President Barack Obama’s climate agenda.

The transition team has asked the agency to list employees and contractors who attended United Nations climate meetings, along with those who helped develop the Obama administration’s social cost of carbon metrics, used to estimate and justify the climate benefits of new rules. The advisers are also seeking information on agency loan programs, research activities and the basis for its statistics, according to a five-page internal document circulated by the Energy Department on Wednesday. The document lays out 65 questions from the Trump transition team, sources within the agency said.

On the campaign trail, Trump promised to eliminate government waste, rescind “job-killing” regulations and cancel the Paris climate accord in which nearly 200 countries pledged to slash greenhouse gas emissions. Trump, though, hasn’t detailed specific plans for federal agencies. The document obtained by Bloomberg offers clues on where his administration may be headed on energy policy, based on the nature of questions involving the agency’s research agenda, nuclear program and national labs.


Watch: Marc Morano on Al Jazeera TV Praising Trump’s EPA Pick & shredding UN climate agreement


Marc Morano of Climate Depot on Al Jazeera TV:

December 8, 2016
Anchor: Richelle Carey:

Carey: Pruitt has sued the EPA several times; , what does that say?

Morano: “It says EPA pick Scott Pruitt is the absolute right man for the job. This is a good day for American workers.”

Morano on UN Paris agreement: “President Obama has essentially on both domestic and international climate policy bypassed democracy. He used executive orders with the EPA when Congress failed to pass cap and trade repeatedly and he also did an executive agreement with the UN climate treaty and and did not submit it for Senate ratification as treaties are traditionally done.”

Related Links:

LA Times: ‘Did Al Gore get played? Engaging with Trump brings risk for the left’



