DNC tour bus dumps human waste into storm drain
Lawrenceville police are investigating a claim that involves a Democratic National Committee tour bus illegally dumping human waste in between campaign stops.
The incident occurred on Grayson Highway, Tuesday morning.
Police say when they arrived on the scene, toilet paper was scattered everywhere and there was a foul smell.
A Lawrenceville businessman took several photos of the tour bus dumping waste into the storm drain. You can see in the pictures, a liquid coming from the bottom of the bus.…
Nature Mag.: The scientists who support Trump
Obama has misused science in politically charged debates over climate change
‘I think Hillary would worsen that’
David Deming, a geophysicist at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, doesn’t think it matters whether Trump and Clinton have much personal knowledge of science. “Trump said he’d appoint good people and I believe him,” says Deming, who has written newspaper opinion pieces in support of Trump.
Other scientists who plan to vote for the Republican say they have been let down by US President Barack Obama, and think that Clinton — another Democrat — would bring more of the same. To them, Trump represents change. “The current status quo seems like it’s not working for a lot of Americans,” says one Trump-supporting chemist at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, who asked for anonymity. “I’m hopeful for a modest improvement, and that’s about as much as I can hope.”
William Briggs, a statistician at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, likes the fact that Trump has not emphasized science. “The federal government has become far too involved in setting the scientific agenda,” says Briggs, who argues that Obama has misused science in politically charged debates over climate change and energy policy. “I think Hillary would worsen that.”…
Bloomberg News editorial: ‘The Missing Climate Change Debate’ – Issue that ‘actually could bring about an apocalypse’ ignored
For a presidential campaign notable for dark warnings of the coming apocalypse, the one thing that actually could bring about an apocalypse — climate change — has been conspicuously absent from the debates.
This is difficult to comprehend and harder to justify. It’s not as if it’s an unimportant or uncontroversial issue. In his seven-plus years in office, President Barack Obama has embarked on one climate initiative after another, always to strenuous (and occasionally justified) objections.
In his first term, Obama invested billions in green energy stimulus. In 2014, he negotiated anagreement on greenhouse gas reductions with China, then followed it with the Paris agreementin 2015, in which almost 200 countries pledged to limit emissions. The administration’s Clean Power Plan is the subject of bitter politics and an all-out legal assault.…
Pull out the blankets! Climate deal is ‘largest temperature reduction ever achieved by a single agreement’
…Global Warming Doesn’t Actually Cause Wars, Scientists Say
By Andrew Follett
New research by Scandinavian scientists claims the link between global warming and war is greatly exaggerated.
Claims that global warming causes war don’t hold up to scrutiny, according to the study. The scientific team, led by Dr. Nina von Uexkull, examined conflict data for Asia and Africa since 1989 and found that ethnic political exclusion, political tensions, proximity to pre-existing violence or other various country-specific risk factors are much better explanations for why wars occur than global warming.
Researchers paid particular attention to the Syrian civil war, which environmentalists typically blame on a drought they say was caused by global warming.
“Calling Syria a climate war, for instance, means ignoring longer-term historical tensions across the region, and lets the humans involved off the hook,” states a summary of the research. “Our well-meaning celebrities and politicians would perhaps be surprised to hear that Uexkull and colleagues found the impact of drought on conflict was generally ‘limited.’”
The new study concurs with previous research by scientists at the free market Cato Institute, which said that blaming the Syrian civil war on global warming was “absurd” and stated rainfall models that blame global warming for Syria’s drought are “fudged.”
The research was financially supported by the Peace Research Institute Oslo and Department of Peace and Conflict Research, which are supported by the Norwegian and Swedish governments respectively.
“[W]hat this study by Uexkull and colleagues confirms is that most communities are in fact quite climate resilient,” researchers concluded. “It generally takes a lot more than a dry spell to kick off a war. This should give us some hope that more intense weather events, such as severe droughts, do not automatically lead to more conflict or even civil war among those affected.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/18/global-warming-doesnt-actually-cause-wars-scientists-say/#ixzz4NSBRvC24…
UN pushes ‘compact cities’ to fight ‘climate change’ – ‘Densely concentrating people in urban areas’
In a world repeatedly described as under threat from innumerable challenges, including income inequality, inadequate urban infrastructure, discrimination against minorities of every stripe, and climate change, participants at the UN’s Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador were told that comprehensive planning aimed at densely concentrating people in urban areas offered the best way forward to a “sustainable” future.
Addressing Habitat III on the conference’s first day, Serge Salat, director of the Urban Morphology Lab in France, said compact cities with residents living as close as possible to public transportation should be the goal of urban planners. He noted that ready access to public transportation would mean residents would no longer need cars to take them to work and recreation. This, he added, would make forward-looking cities leaders in the fight against climate change. Salat’s panel at Habitat III discussed green solutions to climate change and other urban problems. Salat, it should be noted is an adviser to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (IPCC_.
Creating Open Spaces and Wild Areas
According to Salat, the city all should embrace as a role model is Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm, he noted, has created open space “buffer zones” – essentially parkland – running all through it. Just beyond the open space are areas set aside for wildlife, what he termed “wilderness corridors.” With few exceptions, the only place where residential and commercial property is available is in Stockholm proper.…