Cheers! ‘Climate Hustle’ premiers on DVD as Wash Post inducts Morano into ‘Deniers Club’ – WaPo featured Morano w/ cartoon image as one of ‘worst offenders’ for ‘stalling action’

Full WaPo ‘Deniers Club article here:

WaPo: Marc Morano inducted into ‘Deniers Club’: Climate scientists “deserve to be publicly flogged.” – As a reporter for the ExxonMobil-funded Conservative News Service, Morano helped launch the swift-boat campaign attacking John F. Kerry’s military service in Vietnam. He then went to work as communications director for the leading climate change denier in the Senate, James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), and he brought “swift boating” to climate science. Among his targets has been James Hansen, former head of the NASA Goddard Institute of Space Studies and an authoritative voice calling for action on climate change. Morano labeled Hansen a “wannabe Unabomber” who supports “ridding the world of industrial civilization,” “razing cities” and “blowing up dams.” He now runs the anti-climate-science website One representative headline from this past week: “285 Papers From 1960s-’80s Reveal Robust Global Cooling Scientific ‘Consensus.’ ”

Climate Depot’s Morano statement on WaPo’s ‘Deniers Club’: ‘I would like to thank the media, the Washington Post and Michael Mann for partnering with a cartoonist (Tom Toles) for bestowing this (dis)honor of being inducted into the sought after and exclusive ‘Deniers Club.’ I will continue to do my best to meet the expectations and obligations of being a member of the ‘Deniers Club’ and will do my best to continue to help ‘stall action’ on ‘climate change’ using scientific facts, logic and sound economics and public policy. This award could not have come at a better time, as the skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’ has just been released on DVD for all to purchase. ( and the film just had an overflow showings in Canada last week and is set to premiere in Brussel’s at the EU parliament on October 19. I am appreciative of the ‘Deniers Club’ award bestowed by the Washington Post, Mann & Toles.’


Flashback: Climate Depot’s Morano calls NASA’s Hansen a ‘wannabe Unabomber’ for endorsing book urging ‘ridding the world of industrial civilization’ and ‘razing cities’ and ‘blowing up dams’

No wonder Michael Mann is so angry at Morano! Climate Depot credited with helping ruin Mann’s UVA rehire! ‘Did climate change controversy cause UVA’s sacking of Teresa Sullivan?’

We’re Saved! Massachusetts ‘to fight climate change with sweeping executive order’ – ‘Getting serious about meeting its climate goals’

Gov. Charlie Baker (R) signed an executive order last week directing state agencies to take steps to ensure the state reaches its 2020 emissions reductions goals, study the state’s vulnerability, and plan proactively for climate mitigation.

Baker called the order “an important step to protect public health and safety, local infrastructure, small businesses, and our state’s abundant natural resources” from climate change.

“Combatting and preparing for the impacts of climate change will require a holistic approach across state and local government and collaboration with stakeholders from all corners of the Commonwealth,” he said in a statement.

Earlier this year, a court found the state failed to put in place regulations that would enable it to achieve its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. In 2050, emissions are to be reduced by 80 percent. The state legislature passed the Global Warming Solutions Act in 2008.

“The purpose of [the law] is to attain actual, measurable, and permanent emission reductions in the Commonwealth, and… to ensure that legally mandated reductions are realized by the 2020 deadline,” Justice Robert J. Cordy wrote at the time. The court ordered the state to address these regulations.…

We’re Saved! Canada’s environment minister promises a nationwide ‘price on carbon’

Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna. CREDIT: AP PHOTO/SAIT SERKAN GURBUZ

Canadian Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna pledged Sunday to enact a nationwide carbon price on provinces that don’t do enough to curb greenhouse gas emissions on their own.

McKenna did not give specific details on how the plan would be devised, or how the price would be imposed, though she said it would be in place sometime before October.…

2016 Arctic sea ice 25% more than low of 2012 – Polar temperatures start to plunge

Arctic sea ice extent for 2016 is up nearly 25 percent over 2012 levels as polar temperatures continue to drop. The information comes from satellite imagery provided by the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) and the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), which has been tracking Arctic ice extent since satellitemeasurements began in 1979.

Mid-September is when Arctic ice is at its lowest and prior to 1979#Climate Change experts have had to rely on ship reports, #News articles, and other less scientific means to approximate earlier sea ice coverage. The good news is that the polar ice is growing faster in September than at previous times, indicating a quick recovery for winter.

Arctic Ice Growing Rapidly  via@thegwpfcom

Photo published for Arctic Ice Growing Rapidly

Arctic Ice Growing Rapidly

By Paul Homewood      It is now safe to confirm that the minimum Arctic sea ice extent has now been passed this year, with an area of 4.083 million sq km on 7th September. This is 22…

Summertime in the Arctic

Ice melt in the Artic summertime is normal, but by how much has only been measured with any accuracy with the advent of satellites. Without melting ice, polar bears would starve to death. They eat the plump baby seals that pop up for air through ice holes in the thinning Arctic ice.

The NSIDC shows that 2016 is about the same as 2007 and better than 2012 through 2015 levels. Based on the most recent compiled data from last week, Arctic ice covered 2.5 million square miles (4.1 million square km) of sea water, up from its low of 1.3 million square miles in 2012.

In what is being touted as the Hottest year [2015] on record, Arctic ice has been growing rapidly to 1980s level 

Photo published for Arctic ice EMBIGGENS, returns to 1980s levels of cap cover

Arctic ice EMBIGGENS, returns to 1980s levels of cap cover

Don’t panic – we’re all still doomed, scientists insist

Antarctica continues to grow

On the other end of the planet, Antarctica is actually growing year over year. It also goes through sea ice withdrawal during its summertime months (which is ourwinter) and hasn’t varied since 1979. The continent has …

Climate skeptic basher John Cook (promoter of 97% claim) joins George Mason U. – Morano’s alma mater!

Via GMU press release:


We are delighted to announce that John Cook, PhD will be joining our team as a Research Assistant Professor, beginning January 2017.

Initially trained as a physicist, John recently completed his PhD in psychology at the University of Western Australia.  His doctoral research focused on the negative influences of misinformation on climate literacy, and how to neutralize those influences.

Despite his newly minted PhD, John has been a towering figure in the field of climate communication for the past decade.  In 2007, he created Skeptical Science – a website/app devoted to explaining climate science and rebutting global warming misinformation.  Skeptical Science is widely seen by climate scientists and other climate educators as an invaluable educational resource.  For his efforts, John has received numerous prestigious awards including a 2012 Eureka Prize for Advancement of Climate Change Knowledge (Australian Museum), a 2013 Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award (Australian Conservation Foundation) and a 2016 Friend of the Planet Award (National Center for Science Education).

John has also published five books on climate change and/or science misinformation – including The Debunking Handbook (with Stephen Lewandowsky) that has been downloaded over ½ million times from Skeptical Science – and dozens of scientific articles.  His research paper titled Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming (Environmental Research Letters, 2013) – that definitively demonstrated that 97% of climate scientists are convinced that human-caused climate is happening – is the most-ever-downloaded paper from that journal, or any journal published by the Institute of Physics.  Not bad for a social scientist!…

We’re Saved! France bans plastic forks and spoons to fight climate change!

Plastic cutlery and crockery is set to be banned in France unless it is made from biologically sourced materials.

The move is part of the French environmental initiative called Energy Transition for Green Growth, and the law will come into force in 2020.

The Telegraph reports that the move is part of a growing trend to rid the world of the use of plastics.
San Francisco banned plastic shopping bags in 2007, and the use of plastic water bottles on public properties in 2014.
And a law was recently passed in Britain requiring the public to pay 5p for plastic shopping bags.
