Modeling Study: Climate Change Risk Threatens 18 US Military Sites – Study by Warmist Group
Rising sea levels due to hurricanes and tidal flooding intensified by climate change will put military bases along the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast at risk, according to a report released on Wednesday.
Nonprofit group the Union of Concerned Scientists analyzed 18 military installations that represent more than 120 coastal bases nationwide to weigh the impact of climate change on their operations.
Faster rates of sea level rises in the second half of this century could mean that tidal flooding will become a daily occurrence for some installations, pushing useable land needed for military training and testing into tidal zones, said the report titled “The U.S. Military on the Front Lines of Rising Seas.”
By 2050, most of these sites will be hit by more than 10 times the number of floods than at present, the report said, and at least half of them will experience daily floods.
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Inhofe: ‘Un-brainwash’ your children on global warming
Climate change detractor Sen. James Inhofe is pressing parents to “un-brainwash” their children when it comes to what schools are teaching them about global warming.
“Our kids are being brainwashed,” said the Oklahoma Republican, speaking recently to conservative radio host Eric Metaxas, a liberal blog reported late Tuesday.
“My own granddaughter came home one day and said … ‘Popi, why is it you don’t understand global warming?,'” the senator said. “I did some checking, and Eric, the stuff that they teach our kids nowadays, they are brainwashed — you have to un-brainwash them when they get out.”
Inhofe, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, has been a leading opponent of climate change and President Obama’s broad effort to address the issue through a suite of regulations and global agreements.
…GOP chairman Inhofe: Kids are ‘brainwashed’ on climate change
Sen. James Inhofe says school children are being “brainwashed” into believing in climate change and that parents need to “un-brainwash” them.
Inhofe, an outspoken climate change skeptic and chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said he came to the realization when his granddaughter challenged him on his denial of the science behind global warming.
“Our kids are being brainwashed,” the Oklahoma Republican told conservative radio host Eric Metaxas on a recent appearance reported by the liberal blog Right Wing Watch.
“My own granddaughter came home one day and said … ‘Popi, why is it you don’t understand global warming?’ I did some checking, and Eric, the stuff that they teach our kids nowadays, they are brainwashed — you have to un-brainwash them when they get out,” Inhofe said.…
A new global warming study says only a total power shutdown can save us now
A U.S.-funded study says we’re in dire straits if we don’t stop emitting man-made CO2. That means pulling the plug and heralding in a new Stone Age.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has a new study this week: to prevent catastrophic global warming, the world will need to stop emitting all man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) by 2085. So say goodbye to Uber, iPhones, computers, trains, planes, automobiles, air conditioners, heating, or anything that even remotely relies on fossil fueled power. It means our entire way of life would be thrown into the Stone Age to prevent an unlikely two-degree Celsius rise in temperatures from occurring by 2100. And it would keep developing nations from being industrialized. Forget renewables. According to manufacturing analyst Steven Capozzola, you “can’t build a wind farm with the electricity generated by a wind farm.”
Negative emissions needed
Additionally, the federally funded NCARstudy says that we will need to develop carbon scrubbing devices capable of removing CO2 from the air. It notes that even if every sector in every country – including manufacturing, power generation, farming, transportation, and the military–ceased all operations, we would still need technology to remove 15 gigatons of CO2 a year from the atmosphere.
Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘Rapid cooling now occurring’
With the rapid cooling now occurring in the global average tropospheric temperature, my previous prediction of a record warm year in the satellite data for 2016 looks…well…premature.
Here’s an update of what the average temperature trend would have to be in the next 6 months for 2016 to tie 1998 as record warmest year in the 38 year satellite record:
Basically, as long as the anomalies stay below the June value of 0.34 deg. C, 2016 won’t be a record warm year.…
Watch: Trump on man-made ‘global warming’: ‘I say it (emissions) could have a minor impact, but nothing — nothing to what they are talking about’
Transcript of Trump on FOX News:
O’REILLY: Okay. But did you ever call climate change a hoax?
TRUMP: Well, I might have because when I look at some of the things that are going on, in fact, if you look at Europe where they had their big summit a couple of years ago, where people were sending out emails, scientists practically calling it a hoax and they were laughing at it. So, yes, I probably did. I see what’s going on and you see what’s going on.
O’REILLY: Do you believe that that man-made fossil fuels and gases have eroded the environment so that the sun is more intense on Earth? Because that’s the basic thing? Do you believe that’s happening?
TRUMP: Well, they are saying man made and I say it could have a minor impact but nothing, nothing to what they’re talking about.