Judge Orders White House To Stop Hiding Its Bogus Global Warming ‘Proof’
Judge Orders White House To Stop Hiding Its Bogus Global Warming ‘Proof’
Guest Post Hans Bader On January 8, 2014, the White House posted a controversial video claiming that global warming causes more severe winter cold. Called “The Polar Vortex Explained in 2 Minutes,” it featured the director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP), , claiming that a “growing body of evidence” showed that the “extreme cold being experienced by much of the United States” at the time was “a pattern that we can expect to see with increasing frequency as global warming continues.” [Editors Note:Holdren also believes Trees should be given standing to sue in courts] This claim was questioned by many scientists and commentators. (See, e.g., Jason Samenow, Scientists: Don’t make “extreme cold” centerpiece of global warming argument, Washington Post, Feb. 20, 2014 (linking to objection by five well-known climate scientists in the Feb. 14, 2014 issue of Science magazine); Patrick J. Michaels, Hot Air About Cold Air, Jan. 16, 2014 (former state climatologist of Virginia rejected Holdren’s claim)) In April 2014, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) sent a request for correction of this statement under the federal Information Quality Act, citing peer-reviewed scientific articles debunking it. In June 2014, OSTP rejected this request, claiming that Holdren’s statement was his “personal opinion,” not the agency’s position, and that it thus did not constitute “information” subject to the Information Quality Act, which excludes “subjective opinions” from its reach. In response, CEI filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking documents related to the video, its production at taxpayer expense, and OSTP’s rejection of its correction request. Despite having earlier claimed that the video was just Holdren’s personal opinion, not the agency’s, OSTP withheld portions of emails about it as privileged “agency records.” It also refused to produce drafts of its letter rejecting CEI’s request for correction. It withheld two drafts even though they had been shared with an outside professor (and initially even concealed their very existence), and sharing a document with someone outside an agency usually waives any privilege to keep it secret. After OSTP persisted in keeping these records secret, CEI sued it in federal court in October 2014. This is one of many FOIA lawsuits against the Obama administration, which former New York Times editor Jill Abramson said is the most secretive ever. The Huffington Post says that the “White …
Obama fuel economy standards based on gas prices double today’s
Obama fuel economy standards based on gas prices double today’s
“Fuel economy targets are so high that less than 5 percent of today’s increasingly energy-efficient vehicles can meet 2022 standards.” From the NYTimes:
— gReader Pro…
Report: Warmist Sen. Whitehouse acquires another Fishy Income Stream – ‘Partnership between env. interests & public money’
AltaSea, Whitehouses’ new gig, appears to be a typical partnership between the environmentalist interests and the public money. It has got a 50 year lease on a premier waterfront property in Los Angeles and boasts:…
UK’s Most Climate Alarmist Newspaper Has To Lay Off 310 People After Losing $85 Million
A prominent British news outlet known for its global warming activism has been forced to cut its workforce by 18 percent after the paper reported losing $85 million in the last year.
The Guardian newspaper announced it was cutting 310 jobs from its staff, including 100 cuts to its editorial staff and 60 positions it had yet to fill. The U.K. paper, which was founded in 1821, hopes “all cuts will be made by voluntary redundancies.”