Telemundo Reporter Featured in Gore’s ‘Climate Leadership’ Ad
At what point do journalists stop feigning objectivity and become bald-faced activists? Someone should ask Telemundo’s evening news reporter Vanessa Hauc. Former Vice President Al Gore’s non-profit organization, Climate Reality Project, featured Hauc in a promotional video for “24 Hours of Reality.” Currently, Gore’s group is recruiting “Climate Reality Leaders” for its March 2016 conference in the Philippines. The event’s site advertises Hauc as a previous speaker at its “Climate Leadership Training Corps” event in 2015. While there, she defended her role as a journo-activist, saying that that while journalists should be objective on most issues, there are issues where they can eschew balance. “I realize that there are some issues that, yes, you can move a little bit – critical issues that are very important for your community, like health, human rights, the environment. Because this is something that’s crucial. Then you can definitely put yourself into it because this is information that is going to be vital for your community,” Hauc said at the conference held in Miami, Florida. – See more at:…
Bloomberg News: Paris UN Climate Deal Seen Costing $12.1 Trillion Over 25 Years
Renewable energy needs 75% more to halt global warming
Goal of 2 degrees Celsius agreed by 195 nations in December
If the world is serious about halting the worst effects of global warming, the renewable energy industry will require $12.1 trillion of investment over the next quarter century, or about 75 percent more than current projections show for its growth.
That’s the conclusion of a report setting out the scale of the challenge facing policymakers as they look for ways to implement the Paris Agreement that in December set a framework for more than 195 nations to rein in greenhouse gases.
The findings from Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Ceres, a Boston-based coalition of investors and environmentalists, show that wind parks, solar farms and other alternatives to fossil fuels are already on course to get $6.9 trillion over the next 25 years through private investment spurred on by government support mechanisms. Another $5.2 trillion is needed to reach the United Nations goal of holding warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) set out in the climate agreement.
The required expenditure averages about $484 billion a year over the period, compared with business-as-usual levels of $276 billion, according to Bloomberg calculations. Renewables attracted a record $329 billion of investment in 2015, BNEF estimates.
While the figures are large, they’re not as eye-watering as the International Energy Agency’s projection that it’ll cost $13.5 trillion between now and 2030 for countries to implement their Paris pledges, and that an extra $3 billion on top of that will help meet the temperature target. Those figures aren’t just limited to renewables: they also include energy efficiency measures.
Al Gore’s Climate Apocalypse — Delayed
The rapture was supposed to happen on September 13, 1988. A few fringe pastors were screaming that the end was nigh, that the righteous would soon disappear into the air while the rest of humanity was doomed to suffer a quite literal hell on earth. Forget the biblical admonition that no man knows the day nor hour of Christ’s return, these men had figured it out. It was time to prepare yourself.
Read more at:…
Analysis: ‘Carbon Taxes: Real Misery, Imaginary Results’
…Two German Scientists Say NASA Has ‘Squandered Much Credibility’ …Playing A ‘Shady Role’ on Climate
By Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt
(Translated/edited by P Gosselin)
Photo: Vahrenholt/Lüning; Source: DkS
The GISS-Institute of NASA is playing a shady role in the climate debate. For years it was directed by creedal climate activist James Hansen, and has since squandered much credibility. Now his years-long colleague Gavin Schmidt is at the helm, also an activist. Dubious data alterations with the GISS datasets will likely become interesting material for science historians.
GISS went public with a press release on December 18, 2015. The first part of the release was quite reasonable. Indeed we should not neglect calibrating the models with the known temperature history. Various climate factors have been at play and all had impacts in their own way:
Examination of Earth’s Recent History Key to Predicting Global Temperatures
Estimates of future global temperatures based on recent observations must account for the differing characteristics of each important driver of recent climate change, according to a new NASA study published Dec. 14 in the journal Nature Climate Change. To quantify climate change, researchers need to know the Transient Climate Response (TCR) and Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) of Earth. Both values are projected global mean surface temperature changes in response to doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations but on different timescales. TCR is characteristic of short-term predictions, up to a century out, while ECS looks centuries further into the future, when the entire climate system has reached equilibrium and temperatures have stabilized.”
– See more at:…
Analysis: Data manipulated to make 2015 look like the hottest year on record
…Gore’s Tip of Tipping Point Busted
Gore’s Tip of Tipping Point Busted.
From: Global Warming Racket and Climate Change Superscam |
If you are reading this, Al Gore is wrong. We haven’t all been fried and died.
While pushing his Science Fiction propaganda piece, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore appeared at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, on Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2006. At the time, CBS News reported:
The former vice president came to town for the premiere of “An Inconvenient Truth,” a documentary chronicling what has become his crusade since losing the 2000 presidential election: Educating the masses that global warming is about to toast our ecology and our way of life.
Gore has been saying it for decades, since a college class in the 1960s convinced him that greenhouse gases from oil, coal and other carbon emissions were trapping the sun’s heat in the atmosphere, resulting in a glacial meltdown that could flood much of the planet.
Same old stuff that the alarmists have been pushing, year in, year out and as the AGW hoax gets revealed brick by brick, they become shriller and shriller. But how’s this for shrill? Al Gore predicted that, unless action was taken, we would reach the point of no return; the tipping point.
And politicians and corporations have been ignoring the issue for decades, to the point that unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return, Gore said.
Well, Al, we have passed that point. Why were you so stupid as to mention a decade. Others among the shrill use terms like “at the end of the century” Still stupid, but not as stupid as just a decade.
New Warmist Claim: ‘Could Climate Change Amplify the Zika Outbreak? One day, yes.’
Zika is bad, and it’s on its way here. In an editorial for the Guardian, climate change activist Bill McKibben called Zika “something out of a science fiction story, the absolute core of a dystopian future.” I’m as worried about climate change as anyone. But McKibben is being unnecessarily alarmist. In the future, climate change will indeed encourage the significant northward spread of some tropical diseases. But this is not an example of climate change alreadyspreading disease.…