A Hell Week For Global Warming Alarmists: Crumbling Consensus, Inconvenient Data And Policy Rejection

A Hell Week For Global Warming Alarmists: Crumbling Consensus, Inconvenient Data And Policy Rejection


It hasn’t been a good week for the global warming alarmists. Three events have rocked the movement and caused alarmists to go into a state of alarm. Putin calls global warming “a fraud” The first event Russian President Vladimir Putin, who used to play along with the issue, has come out and called global warming science “a fraud“, one that is “designed to restrain industrial development“. According to the New York Times, Putin’s skepticism is based on Russian scientists having done “very, very extensive work trying to understand all sides of the climate debate” and that it is “clear that the climate is a complicated system” and that “the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.” NASA satellite measurements refute preposterous PIK models The second event is described at the Swiss online daily Tagesanzeiger which presents a vivid example as to why people like Putin don’t believe the wild climate alarmism: There’s a huge chasm between the scary model projections coming from “leading” climate institutes and the real observations themselves. The Swiss daily begins by writing that the Germany-based Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) projects that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could “rapidly disintegrate” and cause sea levels to rise 3 meters, all based on “their own model simulations“, which incorporate “feedback effects“. The Tagesanzeiger writes, however, that the PIK was unable to provide “a reason for the loss of stability in West Antarctica“. The Swiss online daily in effect presents a PIK theory that is fraught with assumptions, and is ultra-lean on recorded data. To illustrate that there is a total lack of consensus with respect to Antarctica, the Tagesanzeiger brings up the latest NASA study by Zwally et al, citing Breitbart: “Antarctica is not shrinking – it is growing”, and writes that the NASA study “completely contradicts” the PIK model projections. The Tagesanzeiger continues: A satellite survey by NASA tells a different story. It contradicts a number of other studies, which are mostly based on rough estimations and assumptions.” Poland refuses to ratify Kyoto treaty in Paris The third set of bad news to come out over the past week is that Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, refuses to extend the UN Kyoto Treaty until 2020 and that this “blocks the ratification process” just a month …

‘The great global warming scare story’ – MELTDOWN MYTH: ‘Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL’


You might think this would be great news for all those scientists who have been warning us over the last few years about the impending horrors of “man-made global warming” but in fact they are not happy about it, not one bit.

Here for example is Dr Jay Zwally, the lead author of this week’s surprising Nasa study that confirms that the Antarctic is gaining far more ice than it is losing.

“I know some of the climate deniers will jump on this and say this means we don’t have to worry as much as some people have been making out. It should not take away from the concern about climate warming.”

Does that sound to you like a neutral scientific opinion? Do you sense any relief at the good news that the climate apocalypse of melting ice caps and rising sea levels may not be quite so imminent after all? No, me neither.

ll the scare stories you have ever read about the Antarctic concern one of the few relatively accessible parts: the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

This has indeed been breaking off in large chunks, which alarmist scientists and newspapers have claimed makes it a dread harbinger of man-made global warming.

Or at least they did until last year when the University of Texas discovered that the more likely cause of this melt, which has been going on for 20,000 years by the way, was the geothermal heat from all the volcanoes sitting underneath it.

This latest research from Nasa is a bigger blow to their cause.

And we know it is accurate because it uses altimetry data from satellites to gauge changes in the size of the Antarctic land mass.

What this shows is that between 1992 and 2001 the ice sheet gained 112billion tons of ice per year. This rate slowed between 2003 and 2008 but still the ice sheet was gaining 82billion tons a year.…