Study: Greenland ice melt due to ‘global warming’ found not so bad after all

From the UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH and the “note the soot on the ice in the image they included above” department:

Satellites shed light on Greenland Ice Sheet response to warming

Parts of Greenland’s ice sheet have been found to be less vulnerable to climate warming than was thought – a discovery that could have a small but beneficial impact on sea level forecasts.

Satellite images have revealed that despite dramatic increases in ice melt across Greenland in recent years, the speed of ice movement in some areas has slowed down rather than accelerated.…

NASA Study: ‘Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise’ – ‘Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses’

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.…

UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol Mocks UN Climate Treaty Process As ‘Futile Effort’ Where Countries ‘Pretend To Reduce Emissions’

Washington DC – UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol slammed the upcoming Paris climate negotiation as a “futile effort.” President Obama is determined to sign a new agreement in December in Paris and commit the U.S. to the UN’s climate agenda of emission reductions.

But UN Lead Author Tol was skeptical of the entire UN climate treaty process. Tol predicted that the UN climate summit will “ultimately proven to be a futile effort” and achieve nothing more than “sending people to Paris for no apparent reason other than to keep these people well-travelled.”

Tol, an economist and statistician, is the Professor of the Economics of Climate Change at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and he is ranked among the “top 50 most-cited climate scholars”. He has well over 200 publications in academic journals.

“I don’t know what will happen in Paris, and I don’t quite know what all those 50,000 people will do,” he explained. “International negotiations on binding targets and timetables have failed since 1995,” Tol said at a CATO Institute climate forum in DC today.

Tol continued:  “The discussion is now about money. How much do rich countries need to pay poor countries to pretend to reduce emissions?”

According to Tol: “Climate policy has been about rewarding allies with rents and subsides rather than emission reduction.”

“Twenty five years of climate policy has made most a little bit poorer and some a whole lot richer and it has not reduced emissions much.”

“International climate policy is shifting from a hopeless focus on binding emission targets to a more realistic pledge and review,” Tol added.

Related Links:

Skeptical Climate Scientists Fire Back at RICO 20 Colleagues: Demand Investigations Against Their Warmist Accusers

UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol Rips 97% consensus claim: ‘The 97% is essentially pulled from thin air, it is not based on any credible research whatsoever’

‘It’s All Wrong’: UN IPCC Lead Author Dr. Richard Tol slams media for false claims about alleged 97% consensus

‘The Chinafication of America’: Reaction to Obama Bypassing the Senate with UN Climate Treaty: ‘Obama is taking a page from China’s government’ – New York Times: ‘U.S. seeking climate deal that would skirt Senate’: ‘Under the Constitution, a president may enter into a legally binding treaty only if it is approved by a two-thirds majority of the Senate. To sidestep that requirement, President Obama’s climate negotiators are devising what …

Skeptical Climate Scientists Fire Back at RICO 20 Colleagues: Demand Investigations Against Their Warmist Accusers

Washington DC – Scientists who dissent from the man-made global warming fears fired back at their warmist colleagues who want to see RICO investigations into skeptical claims. (See: ‘Bring them to court’: Warmist scientist Alan Betts wants RICO prosecutions of climate change opponents & Update: Scientist leading effort to prosecute climate skeptics under RICO ‘paid himself & his wife $1.5 million from govt climate grants for part-time work’)

“I would like to see RICO investigations for people on the other side of this,” demanded Climatologist and former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer, at a CATO Institute climate forum in DC today.  Spencer is the leader of a climate research group at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

“People have been pushing for energy policies for people that we know will kill them. And they know that, and yet they have hidden that information from the public and from politicians for the purposes of advancing an agenda,” Spencer said.

“They should be careful what they ask” Spencer added, warning that the investigations “could be going the other direction in spades.”

Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry, the former Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, spoke about the new climate of intolerance.  “I am very concerned by scientists calling to stifle dissent, disagreement,” Curry explained.

“The last three or four months have made it clear to me that I could be spending time in court. If it’s not just for RICO kind of activities but all of these lawsuits,” she said.

“It looks like climate scientists are going to be spending more time in courts. This never occurred to me until three or four months ago,” Curry lamented. Curry also challenged other climate claims and spoker of her evolving scientific views on climate change. “There is so much flouting over mythical 97% consensus…This is stifling debate. I fell into that (consensus trap) and after 2009 with Climategate, I said no more!” Curry explained. “There is enormous pressure for scientists to fall in line behind the consensus,” she added.

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue of WeatherBELL Analytics said: “I have personal experience with two of the RICO 20” professors. Ryan warned that such efforts to silence scientific dissent will have a chilling effect on young scientists.

“The question would be for a graduate student — if you have a professor who is signing petitions calling for …

‘Come clean’: Congrssman battles NOAA over subpoena for climate study records

The Republican head of the House science committee is fighting to obtain documents from the Obama administration on a controversial global warming study, as the agency that produced it locks down internal records despite a subpoena.

The report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) claims to refute prior studies showing the rate of global warming had flattened in recent decades.

Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, a global warming skeptic who questioned the data, issued a subpoena on Oct. 13 for the agency to “compel production of documents and communications relating to adjustments of historical temperature data.”

But the chairman of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology complained this week that the agency still is only providing some of the documents.

“The American people have every right to be suspicious when NOAA alters data to get the politically correct results they want and then refuses to reveal how those decisions were made,” Smith said in a statement. “NOAA needs to come clean about why they altered the data to get the results they needed to advance this administration’s extreme climate change agenda.”

The NOAA says it has provided all necessary documents and data as well as multiple in-person briefings — but made clear it does not plan to provide the private communications of scientists due to a long-standing practice in the scientific community of keeping such information private in order to encourage open discussion.…

Ted Cruz: ‘Climate Change Is Not Science. It’s Religion.’

Glenn sat down with Ted Cruz one on one so his audience could get to know the Senator a little more and find out where he stands on various issues. When discussing climate change, Cruz related an experience where he made a point to make it clear to everyone he’s a “skeptic” of climate change. Citing satellite data showing no significant warming, Cruz explained why he thinks those who promote the idea of climate change choose to ignore such facts. “Climate change is not science, it’s religion,” Cruz said.


Religious studies professor: Ignoring climate change akin to ‘sin’


Professor Laurie Zoloth, who directs the Center for Bioethics, Science and Society at Northwestern’s School of Medicine also calls for sabbatical year from travel every seven years to allow Earth a rest – ‘no big conferences, no academic flying’

Professor Laurie Zoloth, ([email protected]) who directs the Center for Bioethics, Science and Society at Northwestern’s School of Medicine, told The College Fix that she agrees with the suggestionrecently made by the head of the Episcopal Church that ignoring climate change is “sinful.”

“If you understand the science and its implications, and yet, you continue to live in such a way that your (Greenhouse Gas) emissions are LaurieZolothdestroying the capacity of the planet to be a safe place, I would say that your actions ‘miss the mark’ if your goal is to live a decent and just life,” Zoloth said.

When asked how her beliefs were similar to those of Pope Francis, Zoloth told The Fix that “Pope Francis discusses the moral imperative of climate change as a problem inherent in a wasteful, careless, and overwrought capitalism.”

“I agree with him about his analysis of the issue, and about the debt to the poor that is created by the driven, competitive and wasteful society in which we live,” she said.


End Article Excerpt

Climate Depot Comments: 

This linking of man-made global warming with religion another example in a long line of claims.

Other high-profile global warming activists have  used religion to persuade people to believe in a man-made climate crisis.

Outgoing UN IPCC Chief reveals global warming ‘is my religion and my dharma’ – Pachauri’s resignation letter on religion: ‘For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma.’

Pope Francis has also become active in climate change. The Climate Skeptic’s Guide To Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit: Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming & Special Report: ‘Unholy Alliance’ – Exposing The Radicals Advising Pope Francis on Climate

Repent Ye Sinners to Stop Bad Weather! Wash Post features theologian Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite urging us to ‘repent’ for our ‘sin’ of causing Typhoon Haiyan due to the ‘moral evil of climate change denial’ – ‘Suffering and the sin of climate change denial’

WRATH OF GOD ON CLIMATE SKEPTICS: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose

Warmist questions climate predictions – Now admits it is ‘insane it is to try to predict what’s going to happen in 2100’

Yet in his Vox piece, David Roberts notes this:

Basically, it’s difficult to predict anything, especially regarding sprawling systems like the global economy and atmosphere, because everything depends on everything else. There’s no fixed point of reference.

Grappling with this kind of uncertainty turns out to be absolutely core to climate policymaking. Climate nerds have attempted to create models that include, at least in rudimentary form, all of these interacting economic and atmospheric systems. They call these integrated assessment models, or IAMs, and they are the primary tool used by governments and international bodies to gauge the threat of climate change. IAMs are how policies are compared and costs are estimated.

So it’s worth asking: Do IAMs adequately account for uncertainty? Do they clearly communicate uncertainty to policymakers?

The answer to those questions is almost certainly “no.” But exactly why IAMs fail at this, and what should be done about it, is the subject of much debate.

Or to put it another way: Think about how insane it is to try to predict what’s going to happen in 2100.

In the view of these researchers, the quest to predict what climate change (or climate change mitigation) will cost through 2100 ought to be abandoned. It is impossible, computationally intractable, and the IAMs that pretend to do it only serve to distract and confuse.…

Climate Alarmist Says He’s Giving Up — Please, Let Him Be Serious

Writing in Esquire, Pierce says, “I give up” on trying to convince these skeptics that they are in error. He is just too fed up try to help the bitter clingers any longer. But that’s perfectly acceptable to us. In fact, we’d be happy to see him keep his word and end the hectoring. We’re weary of the badgering that comes from his side of the debate.

For the record, the Urban Dictionary defines jamoke as “a clumsy loser who is incapable of doing normal human tasks.”

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Trump Vows To Cut ‘Disgraceful’ EPA


“Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace,” Trump said, according to Bloomberg. “Every week they come out with new regulations.”

Wallace pushed back, asking Trump who will protect the environment without the EPA. Trump responded, saying, “We’ll be fine with the environment. We can leave a little bit, but you can’t destroy businesses.”

Read more:…