‘Climate change becomes a matter of mental health’



As world temperatures go up, rates of violence are expected to go up. Even the threat of climate change creates emotional distress and anxiety, researchers found.

With that comes fear, despair, a sense of being overwhelmed or powerless. From there, the path diverges. For some, being overwhelmed inhibits “thought and action” and the next step is denial, paralysis, apathy.

She’s willing to take action, but after that hailstorm, she found herself in what could be described as a heightened state of anxiety about climate change.

Despair can lead to anxiety disorders, depression, sleeping disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, increasing vulnerability for those who already have severe mental health issues and even higher rates of suicide attempts. Studies of Australian farmers’ responses to drought conditions contributed to the suicide findings.

Climate insecurity is “on the radar of a larger and larger percentage of people I see,” McLaughlin said. He starts by making sure they understand that they are not alone, that this is a mental health issue that is already affecting many people and will affect more and more as the years go on – short of a miracle whereby climate change is stopped.…

Politifact Says Scott Walker’s Claim that EPA climate regs will have ‘marginal’ impact is ‘half true’



, Walker said the Obama administration’s “own Environmental Protection Agency” has said its Clean Power Plan “will have a marginal impact on climate change.”

The EPA acknowledges that the plan can have only a limited effect on global climate change, given that they order reductions in carbon emission only in the United States. But a key aim of the plan is to spur other nations to reduce their emissions, as well, and to spur new technologies that will help reduce emissions.

Walker’s statement is partially accurate, but leaves out important details — our definition of Half True.…

The Lead Climate Scientist Behind the Obama/RICO Letter has Some Serious Questions to Answer



So why, exactly was the letter to Obama sent from the IGES? Does its tax status not exclude it from such naked politicking?

Also, is it not the case that under Virginia law (Shukla teaches at George Mason University, remember) you cannot be employed elsewhere to do the same job? So perhaps he can explain how his work as professor of climate dynamics at GMU differs so markedly from his “scientific research on climate variability and climate predictability” at IGES that it entitles him to claim separate federal grant funding for the latter. If he can’t, then GMU might want him to ask him for its share of that $3.8 million in federal grants mentioned above. The university would be entitled to 50 per cent.…

Abortion and death penalty come before climate change for church, Vatican official says



Turkson, who heads the pontifical council for justice and peace, said global challenges elevated by Francis – such as climate change and justice – would still take second place in importance to individual life-and-death issues such as abortion and the death penalty.

“I would not put them on the same level. I would not associate them at all. Climate change is something that has happened to the world around us,” he told a small group of reporters in a telephone interview. “It’s something essentially that we can control, we can rein in, whose impacts and consequences we can master.”…

After Promoting ‘Major’ Leftist Event, WashPost Avoids Numbers as DC Climate Change Rally Fizzles



UPDATE: Juliet Eilperin did write a followup story based on the fizzled numbers best described as “oops”:

The faith-based climate rally that took place Thursday in Washington drew a much smaller crowd than anticipated, though organizers say they still managed to convey their message.

The Moral Action on Climate Justice network, which worked with the Earth Day Network, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club. Friends of of the Earth and other groups to organize the event, originally asked the National Park Service for a permit for 50,000 attendees. But Park Service countered the permit should be closer to 200,000, organizers said, given the popularity of Pope Francis.

In the end, according to several observers, the overall attendance was closer to 2,000. Think Progress — which is published by the liberal think tank Center for American Progress — estimated there were “hundreds of activists” on the Mall for the event, which started early Friday.


Um… Methinks Center for American Progress is much closer to the sad truth with an estimate of hundreds. Nothing close to hundreds of thousands predicted in August.


– See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/pj-gladnick/2015/09/28/wapo-avoids-numbers-dc-climate-change-rally-fizzles#sthash.MXMOTDhB.dpuf…