Jane Fonda sounds climate alarm: ‘The climate change problem is the issue of our civilization’
Dr. Bill Gray Responds To Pope Francis – ‘Unwise and Should Not Be Acted Upon’
Pope Francis’s Encyclical gives a rather pessimistic view on the current status of humanity with its large wealth disparities and its market driven economic systems which appear to many to put profit above the overall benefit of society. Yet it is the extensive use of fossil-fuels and the free-market economic system which has so greatly raised the living standards and life expectancy of the world over the last 150 years. Increased (not decreased) fossil-fuel usage will be necessary if society is to continue its wondrous economic and human-life improvements in the coming decades.…
An Ecologist’s Perspective on Pope Francis’s Encyclical Letter
An Ecologist’s Perspective on Pope Francis’s Encyclical Letter
Guest Contributor: Dan Botkin Throughout my career as an ecological scientist, I have been fascinated by the connections between the Judeo-Christian religious beliefs and modern environmental science, and have written about this in various scientific articles and several of my books. So I have been specially intrigued that on June 18 the pope published his […]
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Arctic Sea Ice At Highest Extent Since 2005
Arctic Sea Ice Continues At Highest Extent Since 2005
Arctic sea ice ‘to melt by 2015′ – Telegraph Climate experts say that Arctic ice is going to disappear this summer, but right now it is the highest extent since 2005 Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
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