RIP: Alan Caruba – Prolific climate skeptic writer – He will be missed!
…Pope Francis’ leaked encyclical: the good and the bad
In Chapter 1, and thematically throughout its 184 pages of main text, LS accepts as established fact that human activity is primarily responsible for, among other things:
a rise in atmospheric greenhouse gasses;
global warming;
the melting of the polar ice caps, glaciers and other masses of ice;
the release of methane gas from decomposing matter uncovered by the melting of ice packs;
a rise in ocean levels;
an increase in ocean acidity;
the decline of the barrier reefs and their life forms;
a threat to the existence of plankton;
species extinction and the destruction of biodiversity, including not only mammals, but fungi, algae, worms, insects, reptiles, “innumerable varieties of microorganisms” and mangrove trees (Cf. ¶¶ 20-50).
As Francis opines (¶ 24-25): “If the current tendency continues, this century could bear witness to unheard of climate changes and unprecedented destruction of ecosystems, with grave consequences for all of us. … Climate changes are a global problem with grave environmental, social, economic, distributive and political consequences, and constitute one of the principal current challenges for humanity.”
CAL BEISNER: The ironies of Pope Francis’s climate-change cure
Trust the New York Times? Says Skeptic Climate Scientists are Crooks (ignore NYT’s burden-of-proof wipeout)
…Watch Now: Morano on Fox: ‘The Pope sounds a lot like Al Gore’ – There is an ‘unholy alliance’ between Vatican & UN
Related Links:
Climate Depot’s Mission to Rome – Persuading the The Vatican on ‘Climate Change’
Watch Now: Marc Morano’s Presentation in Rome to Vatican – April 28, 2015 – Watch video here: – Marc Morano, executive editor and chief correspondent at, gives a presentation at The Heartland Institute’s climate science and policy event outside the Vatican on April 28, 2015. – Morano’s Powerpoint is here.
Climate Skeptics In Rome Warn Pope Francis of ‘Unholy Alliance’ With UN Climate Agenda…