‘Three-Year Mean Antarctic Sea Ice Highest On Satellite Record!’

Clear And Gathering Evidence Of Cooling: Three-Year Mean Antarctic Sea Ice Highest On Satellite Record!


Now that it’s spring, it’s as good a time as any to look at polar sea ice. Climate scientists have told us time and again that global warming would first be been at the Earth’s poles. Well, iff that is true, then we need to start worrying about cooling. In the Arctic the following chart shows a clear stabilization taking place over the past 8 years with an upward trend over the last five years: Source: Cryosphere Today, Arctic Climate Research, University of Illinois It needs to be pointed out that there are many factors impacting sea ice. Among them are ocean currents and cycles, and prevailing weather patterns. In summary, however, the once feared “death spiral” remains totally absent. Had the past five years been centered about the -1.75 million sq km anomaly in the Arctic, then the warmists might have had a point. But that is not the case as the sea ice Arctic sea ice is close to 1 million square kilometers above the alarm level. A number of high-profile scientists and meteorologists also are now projecting growth in Artic sea ice over the next 10-20 years as major oceanic oscillations shift to their cooler phases. Record-smashing Antarctica If you are a global warming alarmist, then the situation is even more confounding at the south end of the Earth. Especially at the Earth’s southern pole is warming totally AWOL. Source: arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere Because Antarctica is surrounded by water, trends there do behave differently then what goes on in the land-surrounded Arctic. Consider the following points following stunning points about Antarctica: 1. Antarctic sea ice has been above normal for almost 3 years uninterrupted. 2. Three years uninterrupted above normal sea ice is unprecedented over the satellite record. 3. Record after record sea ice highs have been set during that period. 4. The trend for the last 10 years has been stunningly strong. 5. The long-term 30-year trend is strongly upwards. From Antarctic sea ice trends, there’s absolutely no indication that there’s any warming going on down there. If scientists had been warning of cooling, they’d be having a much easier time today convincing the public. Indeed Antarctica is the very place that AGW alarmist scientists don’t want anyone to look at. In fact today there’s almost no data they want you to …

New paper in Nature debunks the “Permafrost Bomb”

New paper debunks the “Permafrost Bomb”


A new paper published in Nature pours cold water on the idea that a sudden melting of arctic permafrost might cause a spike in global temperatures. The abstract from the paper; Large quantities of organic carbon are stored in frozen soils (permafrost) within Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. A warming climate can induce environmental changes that […]

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