Billionaire Dem Tom Steyer’s group ‘is shutting down its climate and energy program’
…Censorship: Twitter has suspended Skeptic Tom Nelson (@tan123) for calling hockey stick ‘crap’…
White House insists UN climate change agreement is ‘not’ a treaty…
Climate Madness: Obama Pledges 28% Emissions Cut To U.N.…
Obama to bypass Congress again with UN climate treaty…
New Study Unsettles ‘Science’ of Global Warmists – UN Models Off by 120%!…
March ties 1969 record for fewest tornadoes – With only 8…
White House: Global Warming ‘Deniers’ Shouldn’t Have A Say On UN Treaty
Scientists Say New Study Is A ‘Death Blow’ To Global Warming Hysteria
A new study out of Germany casts further doubt on the so-called global warming “consensus” by suggesting the atmosphere may be less sensitive to increases in carbon dioxide emissions than most scientists think.
A study by scientists at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Meteorology found that man-made aerosols had a much smaller cooling effect on the atmosphere during the 20th Century than was previously thought. Why is this big news? It means increases in carbon dioxide emissions likely cause less warming than most climate models suggest.…
Did Antarctica really have its warmest day on record?…