Atmospheric physicist Dr. Murry Salby: Man-made CO2 could only cause warming of ‘a few tenths of a degree, if at all’

Atmospheric physicist Dr. Murry Salby: Man-made CO2 could only cause warming of ‘a few tenths of a degree, if at all’

A recent seminar presentation by atmospheric physicist & professor Murry Salby in Germany strikes another huge blow to climate alarm, demonstrating: The man-made share of CO2 in the atmosphere is only a maximum of 30% (0-30%). The remainder is related to temperature changes, natural outgassing from the oceans, and to soil moisture. The residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is only 4-7 years, not hundreds of years as falsely claimed by the IPCC Bern model. Man-made CO2 emissions increased a whopping 350% faster since 2002, yet the rate of CO2 increase in the atmosphere remained steady at ~2.1 ppm/yr, a “strong indication that anthropogenic emissions can not have a significant or even dominant share.” His conclusion: “Because of the saturation effect in the energy absorption of CO2 molecules with increasing concentration and short residence time, the further increase in temperature could be therefore only at most a few tenths of a degree, if at all. However, the known fossil reserves would be exhausted by then.” Google translation from German + light editing: New study on CO2 concentration: Anthropogenic share somewhere between 0 and a maximum of 30% Seminar presentation by Professor Murry Salby on 13.3.15 in Essen By Michael Limburg, EIKE Professor Murry Salby, author of two textbooks on physics of the atmosphere, is one of the most renowned atmospheric physicists in the world. His research work began many years ago at the University of Colorado, then Macquarie University in Sydney brought him much scientific and public recognition- up until he made the mistake of publicly calling the climate doctrine into question. From then on he was bullied by many agencies, with baseless accusations marring the funding of his research and was finally “forced to retire” after 56 years of his academic career. Professor Murry Salby on 13.3.15 in Essen Fig. 1: History of change of the total global CO2 concentration per year (green) and only on the surface properties (temperature + humidity dominant parts) induced change in CO2 concentration (blue). Correlation coefficient of 0.93. In contrast to the natural CO2 emissions depend on the “surface properties”, do not have the anthropogenic emissions. Graphic M.Salby What was the crime of Murry Salby? Well, Salby had methodically by strict and well supported theoretically by such observations and therefore …

Head of Episcopal Church: Denying Climate Change Is ‘Blind’ And Immoral

Head of Episcopal Church: Denying Climate Change Is ‘Blind’ And Immoral

Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, right, told The Guardian that denying climate change is akin to turning one’s back on God’s gift of knowledge. CREDIT: AP Photo/ Tony Avelar One of the most powerful women in American Christianity is condemning the path of the climate denier. In an interview with the Guardian published Tuesday, U.S. Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said people who reject climate science are turning their backs on one of God’s most generous gifts: knowledge. “Episcopalians understand the life of the mind is a gift of God and to deny the best of current knowledge is not using the gifts God has given you,” she said. “I think it is a very blind position.” Jefferts Schori — the first woman elected as a primate in the Anglican Communion and a former oceanographer — also called climate change a “moral issue, in terms of the impacts on the poorest and most vulnerable around the world already.” “It is in that sense much like the civil rights movement in this country where we are attending to the rights of all people and the rights of the earth to continue to be a flourishing place,” she said Jefferts Shorti’s comments to the Guardian come as the Episcopalian church is strengthening its voice in the fight against human-caused climate change, a phenomenon that is expected to have the worst impacts on developing countries. On Tuesday, the church is holding a 90-minute webcast to discuss both the regional impacts of atmospheric warming and the moral implications of those impacts. The webcast also kicks off a 30-day campaign by the Episcopal church to raise awareness of climate change, called 30 Days of Action. The campaign calls on U.S. Episcopalians to address the issue in some way each day for the next months — to “learn, advocate, act, proclaim, eat, play and pray.” “Focusing on environmental change on a personal, community and global level for 30 days can help Episcopalians proclaim a commitment to caring for God’s creation,” the church’s website reads. Generally seen as a group aligned with conservative values, Christian groups have been taking up the cause of climate change in recent months, often because of the disproportionately negative impacts scientists predict it will have on poor communities. Patricia Bruckbauer, an …