Scientists uncover 1,451 new species in the ocean in the past year
…John Kerry on none dare challenge consensus: ‘By what right do people stand up and just say, ‘well, I dispute that?’ – Claims it’s as Settled as Gravity…
Russian scientists say climate change to blame for mysterious Siberia craters…
Early returns: Warmist film ‘Merchants of Doubt’ struggling at box office
…Newspaper calls Marc Morano ‘terrifyingly impressive’ and ‘sadistic’
…Read Sen. Inhofe’s Letter To The Editor on Climate That The Washington Post Refused To Publish
…NASA’s Top Antarctica Alarmist Eric Rignot Is An ‘Electrical Engineer’ – Media calls him ‘ice scientist’
Via Real Science: The White House led press mafia is attacking me for having geology and electrical engineering degrees. While I doubt any of them would survive one week in electrical engineering grad school, what is really entertaining is that one of their favorite alarmists is also an electrical engineer – but unlike me doesn’t have a science degree.
Seth Borenstein describes engineer Eric as an “ice scientist”
…Over at NASA, ice scientist Eric Rignot said the melting “is going way faster than anyone had thought. It’s kind of a red flag.”
Glacial Melting In Antarctica Makes Continent The ‘Ground Zero Of Global Climate Change’