Climategate, the sequel: ‘How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming’
UK mortuaries overflowing as freezing weather causes rise in deaths
Media retreats: AP issues ‘clarification’ on ‘hottest year story’: Now concedes claim ‘falls within a margin of error that lessens the certainty’
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a story Jan. 16, The Associated Press reported that the odds that nine of the 10 hottest years have occurred since 2000 are about 650 million to one. These calculations, as the story noted, treated as equal the possibility of any given year in the records being one of the hottest. The story should have included the fact that substantial warming in the years just prior to this century could make it more likely that the years since were warmer, because high temperatures tend to persist.…
No Warming In Antarctica During Satellite Record – Since 1979
No Warming In Antarctica During Satellite Record
By Paul Homewood According to GHG theory, it is the poles which should be warming fastest. Apparently, nobody told the South Pole. Even in summer months, satellites show no trend. And to complete the picture, Southern Ocean temperatures have been way below average since 2005.
— gReader Pro…