Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: 2014 is among the 3% Coldest Years in 10,000 years

In the 10,000 – year context, it is significant because it is among the 3 percent coldest years, which is far more significant than the 100-year warmest that alarmists proclaim. There are two major reasons: Highest readings occur in the most recent years of a rising temperature record. Every alteration, adjustment amendment and abridgment of the record so far, was done to create and emphasize increasingly higher temperatures.


Climatologist: ‘Pope Fallible on Climate Change’

dr. pat Michaeld: ‘The only way major emissions reductions—of the kind ultimately envisioned by Pope Frances—can be accomplished is to make carbon dioxide-emitting energy so expensive that people will use less, much less.’

‘By making energy unaffordable, the policies Francis wants will impede economic development, so that, decades from now, when a repeat of Haiyan barrels through the Islands, many more will die.’ …

Mitt Romney flips again? From warmist to skeptic back to warmist: ‘While he hopes the skeptics about global climate change are right, he believes it’s real and a major problem’

He said that while he hopes the skeptics about global climate change are right, he believes it’s real and a major problem.

He said it’s not enough for Americans to keep their own carbon emissions in check when much of the rise in greenhouse gases globally is coming from countries such as China and India.

Climate change drew little attention from either candidate in 2012, when Romney sought to deny President Barack Obama, a second term. At that time, Romney said he believed global warming was occurring but he was skeptical of its man-made origins and questioned spending to curb carbon emissions.…

‘The Most Dishonest Year on Record’ – Hottest year ‘claim dissolves on contact with actual science’

Justin Gillis first edition of NYT: The New York Times began its report with: “Last year was the hottest in earth’s recorded history.”

Well, not really. As we’re about to see, this is a claim that dissolves on contact with actual science. But that didn’t stop the press from running with it. If you follow the link I gave to the New York Times piece, you will see that this opening sentence has since been rewritten, for reasons which will soon become clear.

Justin Gillis revised version: “Last year was the hottest on earth since record-keeping began in 1880, scientists reported on Friday, underscoring warnings about the risks of runaway greenhouse gas emissions and undermining claims by climate change contrarians that global warming had somehow stopped.”