2015 claim: Global warming caused drought ‘Helped Spark Syrian War’ – 1933 claim: ‘YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA – Blamed For Drought’

National Geographic: ‘Climate Change Helped Spark Syrian War, Study Says’ – ‘Research provides first deep look at how global warming may already influence armed conflict’

Associated Press: Syria’s civil war linked partly to drought ‘worsened’ by global warming – AP’s Seth Borenstein: ‘In what scientists say is one of the most detailed and strongest connections between violence and human-caused climate change, researchers from Columbia University and the University of California Santa Barbara trace the effects of Syria’s drought from the collapse of farming, to the migration of 1.5 million farmers to the cities, and then to poverty and civil unrest. Syria’s drought started in 2007 and continued until at least 2010 — and perhaps longer.’ – ‘The change in climate, forced by greenhouse gases, was one of the key events in this tragic story.’

Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. Reacts to new study: ‘Absurd news report ‘Climate change triggered Syrian conflict’. CO2 as a control on wars – Ridiculous’

Other reaction: ‘CO2-induced war crisis is fraud’


5 Responses

  1. yes folks the desperation from these crack heads is getting more crazier as each passing day arrives. next they will blame the economic collapse on climate change. These people are all mentally unfit .

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