Rasmussen poll: Voters Have an Unfavorable View of the EPA


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 32% of Likely U.S. Voters have a favorable opinion of the EPA, the lowest finding in the three years the question has been asked. Forty percent (40%) view the agency unfavorably, unchanged from June. Twenty-eight percent (28%) are undecided, the highest finding to date. (To see survey question wording, click here).…

‘Why there will not be a global climate change treaty in 2015’


The interests of the rich and poor countries just don’t converge on this issue. The poor nations are not going to forego using cheap fossil fuels to energize their economic growth unless the rich states agree to fork over huge sums to them annually. And the rich countries aren’t about to give hundreds of billions to corrupt governments in the developing world, particularly when many of the latter are declining to make any commitments until they see the money—and are refusing to let anyone monitor and assess whatever commitments they do make.

So there will be a big flop in Paris this time next year. And then the climate-crisis circus will roll urgently on to still more venues in the years after that.…