Germany’s Environment Minister Calls On Citizens To Turn Off Lights During Sex – To Protect Climate!


Germany’s Environment Minister Calls On Citizens To Turn Off Lights During Sex – To Protect Climate!

What follows is no joke, and tells us how far the German government is prepared to go in order to get its citizens to be nice to the climate.

Germany’s Ministry of Environment headed by socialist Barbara Hendricks has produced a series of video clips aimed at getting citizens to save energy, and thus do the climate good at the same time.

One clip shows a teenage girl coming home late one evening, quietly tip-toeing past the open door of a lit up living room, only to awkwardly catch her parents in the act. Embarrassed, the daughter turns off the lights.

A voice comes on:

The world says thanks. 5% less energy consumption in German households makes one coal power plant redundant. Together it’s climate protection.”

Some readers may ask if it’s customary for Germans to do it fully dressed. According to the video, it seems so. Perhaps the German Ministry of Environment has also decreed sex only in unheated rooms.

German ARD public television reports that the Ministry spent a total of 1.5 million taxpayer euros on producing the 30-second videos.

It really is amazing that bureaucrats are now telling citizens under what conditions to have sex: fully dressed, in a cold room with the lights on.

Another video shows an overweight man filling up his SUV with a jet ski in tow:

The message here, other than men being stupid fat pigs, is:

The climate says thanks. The climate is happy about every single bicycle ride.”

Another video shows a woman closing the window so she does not have to hear the sounds of her power-tool operating husband being eaten by zombies.

After she closes the window, a voice says:

The world says thank you. Stop leaving the windows open in the winter time. Airing out the house all at once for a short time is better for the climate.”

So not only does the room have to be dark and unheated, but the windows also must be closed when having sex (with all your clothes on) in Germany.

This is the nanny state at work. But here the nanny in charge obviously has really gone completely idiotic. Surely Chancellor Angela Merkel is relieved that these videos are not productions made by her

Coldest Minnesota Thanksgiving since 1930

Coldest Minnesota Thanksgiving since 1930

When Herbert Hoover was president. “If the mercury doesn’t make it up into the double digits, the day could be one for the record books,” says “As of 8 a.m., it was 2 below in the Twin Cities, and 20 below in Bemidji, in northern Minnesota.” This article said it COULD be one for the record books, but I don’t know if it made it. Does anyone know if it made it into the double digits? Thanks to Jason Cragg and Ronald Baker for this link

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Pennsylvania snowfall shatters 114-year-old records

Pennsylvania snowfall shatters 114-year-old records

Obliterates record for both the day and the month. 26 Nov 2014 – A pre-Thanksgiving record-setting snowstorm made roads a treacherous mess, sending vehicles slipping, sliding, even overturning. . As of 7:30 p.m. in Towanda, Wayne Vanderpool, National Weather Service Co-Op Observer, reported that he measured 11.2 inches of snow, “with it still snowing lightly.” He said it was “the most snow ever measured in Towanda on any November day, since records began back in 1895.” Also, Vanderpool said Wednesday’s total set a 24-hour snowfall record for Nov. 26. The old record was 2.5 inches, which he said was set back in 1898. Thanks to Jason Cragg for this link

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New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2 – Published in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2

A paper published today in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds a “strong and stable correlation” between the millennial variations in sunspots and the temperature in Antarctica over the past 11,000 years. In stark contrast, the authors find no strong or stable correlation between temperature and CO2 over that same period. The authors correlated reconstructed CO2 levels, sunspots, and temperatures from ice-core data from Vostok Antarctica and find “We find that the variations of SSN [sunspot number] and T [temperature] have some common periodicities, such as the 208 year (yr), 521 yr, and ~1000 yr cycles. The correlations between SSN and T are strong for some intermittent periodicities. However, the wavelet analysis demonstrates that the relative phase relations between them usually do not hold stable except for the millennium-cycle component. The millennial variation of SSN leads that of T by 30–40 years, and the anti-phase relation between them keeps stable nearly over the whole 11,000 years of the past. As a contrast, the correlations between CO2 and T are neither strong nor stable.” Thus, the well known ~1000 year climate cycle responsible for the Holocene Climate Optimum 6000 to 4000 years ago, the Egyptian warm period ~4000 years ago, the Minoan warm period ~3000 years ago, the Roman warm period ~2000 years ago, the Medieval warm period ~1000 years ago, and the current warm period at present all roughly fall in this same 1000 year sequence of increased solar activity associated with warm periods. a) sunspots, b) temperature, c) CO2, d-i show the amplitudes of the strongest cycle lengths (period in years) shown in the data for sunspots, temperature, and CO2 Wavelet analysis in graph a shows the most prominent solar periods in red and graph b for temperature. The most stable period for both is at ~1024 years, shown by the horizontal region in red/yellow/light blue. The authors find a lag of 30-40 years between changes in solar activity driving temperature, likely due to the huge thermal capacity and inertia of the oceans. Lead time shown in bottom graph of 40 years shows the temperature response following an increase or decrease of solar activity lags by about 40 years. Top graph shows “the anti-phase relation between [solar activity and temperature] keeps them stable nearly over the whole 11,000 years of …

‘Why Does Obama Want To Kill The African Dream?’

Why Does Obama Want To Kill The African Dream?

By Paul Homewood A reader left this comment on my article China’s New Energy Plan Forecasts Big Rise In CO2 Emissions, which was reposted at WUWT. Mervyn Recently, Obama made his grandstanding-Obama/China deal, effectively allowing China to keep emitting enormous amounts of CO2 in its quest to develop, which is also what India is doing. Well, here is the $64,000 question everyone should be asking, every day. The African dream is to develop, and to do so requires cheap reliable fossil fuel energy. But Obama’s policies have put grave restrictions on funding projects in Africa that are linked to fossil fuel energy, insisting such poor countries use expensive unaffordable inefficient renewable energy. So why is Obama quite happy to allow China (and India) to develop, yet at the same time he is happy to kill the African dream? I really can’t add anything to that.

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Daily ‘Die Welt’ Reports German Greens Facing Political Extinction… ‘Apocalyptic Narrative Approaching An End’

Daily ‘Die Welt’ Reports German Greens Facing Political Extinction…”Apocalyptic Narrative Approaching An End”

Germany’s once formidable Green Party just held its annual convention in Hamburg. Over the past few years Germans in general have grown fatigued of the planet-rescuing Greens and their dire warnings that man’s technology was destroying the planet. So faced with the prospect of slipping into irrelevance, the Greens are now scrambling to find an issue that will re-energize public enthusiasm. German flagship daily Die Welt here has just published an online analysis of the Green Party’s convention. The piece is dubbed: “Farewell Apocalypse – the Greens are running out of issues“. Once a party of devout Luddites, Die Welt writes: The Party Convention shows that the Greens, now in their fourth decade of existence, are hardly needed anymore. The technology that they used to vilify has since solved more problems than it has created.” One major problem the German Greens face is that the party is divided between the Fundis (fundamentalist greens) and the so-called Realos (hip progressives in business suits) who have taken over the party and adopted issues that other mainstream parties have long had in their platforms. Die Welt calls the German Greens “the children of Lenin and the Club of Rome“, a party whose leaders were “Maoists, Trotskyites and hardcore communists“; with the primary enemy: capitalism and the evils of a technological society, which they viewed would lead to global, ecological demise. Though popular in the 1980s, Die Welt writes that narrative no longer finds much public appeal today. It’s totally out. Today’s Green Party is now seeing its old anti-capitalist leaders going into retirement and its new leaders struggling to chart a meaningful course for the party’s future. The old Green zeitgeist is gone. The issues and philosophies that once resonated and brought the Greens huge success in the 1980s and 90s are today worn out, outdated. The appeal is gone, Die Welt writes. In their fourth decade of existence, the apocalyptic narrative is approaching an end. Failure from fatigue looms. The mantra-like repeated invocation of the apocalypse hardly has any remaining energizing potential.” Ironically, the Greens are facing a political extinction due to the very technology they once preached would lead to the global apocalypse. Die Welt: Fusion could be delivering energy in just 10 years. Architects are designing skyscrapers that produce more energy then they consume. 900-hp sports …

Model claim: airplanes of the future won’t be able to take off at some airports due to global warming

Model claim: airplanes of the future won’t be able to take off at some airports due to global warming

Density altitude is the biggest factor in aircraft take off on a given runway length, temperature, and altitude. I know this from firsthand experience as I used to be a private pilot – until my hearing got so bad that I decided I was a danger to myself and others. This study published in the […]

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Winnipeg zoo unashamedly frightens children about polar bear extinction, for a price

Winnipeg zoo unashamedly frightens children about polar bear extinction, for a price

The Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg is selling Polar Bears International-style1 “save our sea ice” global warming propaganda to children, which it calls “messaging.” “The centre is deliberately targeting children, fully aware that there is a magical connection between the cuddly, entertaining orphan cubs and young visitors.” Orphaned cubs from Churchill now on display in Winnipeg That’s the money quote, in more ways than one, from an article at The Globe and Mail earlier this week (23 November 2014), “Innovative Winnipeg zoo experiment shares the plight of polar bears” in which the author promotes the new “Journey to Churchill” exhibit at the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg as “an ambitious experiment.” The article includes some revealing remarks from the zoo’s director, veterinarian Brian Joseph, including this one: “Children are the audience,” Dr. Joseph says. “Adults are the audience, too, but if you think about who is going to change the world, they are the ones who have the open minds and open hearts. They are the ones who can make a true difference. So if you can reach that audience when they are little and you can start messaging ‘Let’s think about this,’ ‘Let’s make good choices,’ then when they get to be in decision-making capacities, they’ll make good choices.” [my bold] However, to “start messaging” one child old enough to comprehend this material (say, ~8-12 years old), it will cost the parents a few cents shy of $50.00 (actually, $49.35 with tax Canadian; USD$43.80). Cost is the same for children 4-7 years who are probably unable to comprehend but that’s the gravy part of the operation because it’s probably cheaper for the parents than a babysitter. Taking a ten year old and its teenaged sibling will cost parents almost $65.00 (CAD$64.90; USD$57.60) for their special polar bear “education.” Assiniboine Park Zoo Winnipeg Winning zoo formula: target children with appeals to their emotions rather than their intellect and pile on the guilt-laden green propaganda – call it “messaging” and charge the parents big money for the privilege. “Journey to Churchill”(entrance to one of the exhibit’s sections, above) is described as ”the most comprehensive project ever undertaken in Canada aimed at issues related to climate change, polar bears and other northern species.” It’s all meant to sound like this zoo’s “experiment” is all about saving the polar bears …