Ice forces earliest closure EVER of upper Mississippi
Ice forces earliest closure EVER of upper Mississippi
Halts shipments of corn, soybeans, wheat, fertilizer, salt and other goods from the most northern reaches of the nation’s busiest waterway. 20 Nov 2014 – Ice surrounding locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River near Minnesota’s Twin Cities have forced the earliest winter closure on record, says text is article from Reuters Records date back to 1969. “There’s so much ice through the whole system,” said Bryan Peterson, navigation manager for the Army Corps of Engineers’ St. Paul district. “They’re getting the barges they can out and not risking getting stuck there all winter.” The shipping season typically ends around the beginning of December on upper portions of the Mississippi River in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. See entire article: Thanks to George Martinez for this link
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That Epic, Fickle, Shovel-off-to-Buffalo Snow: An All-Time U.S. Record?
That Epic, Fickle, Shovel-off-to-Buffalo Snow: An All-Time U.S. Record?
I have a special place in my heart for lake effect snow. Living in Sault, Michigan as a teenager is what got me interested in weather and started me down my career path. But it’s hard to compete with what Buffalo, New York gets for lake effect snow. Over six feet of snow fell in some areas on the south side of town in the last 48 hours, most of it in a 24 hour period.Just getting to your garage can be a problem (Steve Frost). The all-time U.S. record for a 24 hour snowfall is 76 inches in Silver Lake, Colorado way back in 1921, and it is possible this was exceeded yesterday. We will have to wait and see what NOAA decides. The reason why Buffalo gets pounded so bad is the shape of Lake Erie…long and narrow, so a cold wind blowing down its length generates a single, intense snow band. You are either in it or out of it. Driving down the road, you can be in sunshine one minute, and in white-out conditions the next. This pair of pictures taken at the same time only 5 miles apart in Buffalo during the storm illustrates the fickle nature of lake effect storms. Lake effect snow bands – either you are in or out (Shannon Clare). Imagine your boss says he needs you at work…after all, there’s almost no snow downtown at the office! Yet, your house looks like this. Buried house in a Buffalo suburb (Jackie Parker). You open your front door, and are greeted with this: West Seneca, NY (Jessica Marie). A second round of lake effect snow started again last night — and again with thunder! Thunder in lake effect snow is quite unusual, indicating very strong cloud updrafts from the very cold air mass sitting over the “warm” lake water. Do I need to remind everyone it’s only mid-November? So, when winter gives you too much snow, you just make the best of it: (Anonymous).
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Third Consecutive Year Of Record Low Tornado Activity – US Storm Prediction Center
Third Consecutive Year Of Record Low Tornado Activity
Due to catastrophic climate change, the last three years each set a new record low for tornado activity in the US Storm Prediction Center WCM Page
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Flashback: Scientists said global warming decreases lake-effect snows – but have changed their tune with the recent record-breaking lake-effect snow in the Buffalo area to claim global warming increases lake-effect snowfall
Flashback: Climate scientists said warming decreases lake-effect snows
Flashback: Climate scientists said warming decreases lake-effect snows
Global warming causes lessmore snow |
The record lake-effect snow in the Buffalo area (November 18-20, 2014) has been said to be caused by global warming…because less ice cover due to warming means more precipitation events in the form of snow…or so it’s claimed.
But scientists have, in the past, concluded that global warming causes reduced lake-effect snow, not increases in lake-effect snow:
A general increase in LCS [lake-contribution snowfall] from the early 1920s to the 1950–80 period [during the 1970’s ice age scare] at locations typically downwind of the lake was found. Thereafter, LCS decreased through the early 2000s, indicating a distinct trend reversal that is not reported by earlier studies. The reasons for this reversal are unclear. The reversal is consistent with observed increasing minimum temperatures during winter months after the 1970s, however.
Thus, there may be little change in the frequency of heavy lake-effect snow in the Lake Superior snowbelt and a substantial decrease in the southern Lake Michigan and Lake Erie snowbelts. Air-temperature [warming] was found to be the primary determining factor in reducing the frequency of heavy lake-effect events in this study…Anticipated regional impacts of climate change on lake-effect snow patterns – suggest almost no change [in lake-effect snowfall] in the northernmost belts but approximately a 50% decrease in southernmost belts.
3) Assessment of Potential Effects of Climate Change on Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms Near Lake Erie
…Surface conditions favorable for heavy lake-effect snow decreased in frequency by 50% and 90% for the HadCM2 and CGCM1 [models], respectively, by the late 21st Century. This reduction was due almost entirely to a decrease in the number of occurrences of surface air temperature in the range of −10 to 0°C, which in turn was the result of an increase in average winter air temperatures.
‘Poo bus’: Human Poop-Powered Bus Hits UK Roads
As of today, Britain’s first “poo bus” will be shuttling passengers between the city of Bath and Bristol Airport. And yes, you guessed it: it’s powered by human waste, alongside food waste.
This “Bio-bus” runs on biomethane gas, which is produced from the treatment of human sewage and food that is unsuitable for human consumption. It has a combustion engine that is similar to diesel engines in normal buses, but the gas is stored in dome-like tanks on the roof.
The gas is generated using anaerobic (oxygen hating) bacteria, which break down the waste into methane-rich gas. Before it can be used to power buses, CO2 is removed and propane is added. Other impurities are also removed so that the emissions are virtually odorless (thank goodness). It also produces fewer overall emissions than traditional diesel engines, and is obviously more sustainable.…
97% ‘Consensus’ shatters: Purdue U. Survey: Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change
…Newspapers Mislead Public About Polar Bear Numbers
Newspapers Mislead Public About Polar Bear Numbers
Press release from the GWPF: “The main story of new study is the remarkable recovery of Arctic polar bear population” Earlier this week, the Guardian newspaper ran a headline claiming that the ‘polar bear population in frozen sea north of Alaska falls 40% in 10 years’ – a claim repeated today by the AFP news…
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Claim: Reindeer suffering in Arctic due to ‘extreme weather’ supposedly caused by global warming
Claim: reindeer suffering in Arctic due to ‘extreme weather’ supposedly caused by global warming
Remember the last time somebody claimed the Arctic was flooded with water? Above: The worst kind of ugly climate propaganda: David Suzuki targets kids at Christmas in the name of climate change This item from the: Norwegian University of Science and Technology isn’t that bad, but still seems over the top in placing blame on […]
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Churches Won’t Be Charged ‘Rain Tax’ if they Preach Global Warming in Maryland
…Why Google halted its research into renewable energy – It ‘wasn’t going to work out as planned’ – Now say: ‘Today’s renewable energy technologies won’t save us.”
Back in 2007, Google had a very simple idea for addressing global warming — we just need to take existing renewable-energy technologies and keep improving them until they were as cheap as fossil fuels. And, voila! Problem solved.
That was the logic behind the company’s RE-C project, which aimed to produce one gigawatt of renewable electricity for less than the price of coal. The hope was to do this within years, not decades. Among other things, the company invested in new geothermal drilling R&D and put $168 million toward Brightsource’s Ivanpah solar tower in the Mojave Desert.
By 2011, however, Google decided that this energy initiative wasn’t going to work out as planned and shut things down. Unlike, say, Google Glass or self-driving cars, Google wasn’t interested in this particular moon shot.…