‘Where’s the global warming?’ Expert says public growing skeptical
New paper blames typhoon Haiyan on the global warming ‘hiatus’
New paper blames typhoon Haiyan on the global warming “hiatus”
A paper published today in Geophysical Research Letters notes “Though there is speculation to associate global warming with [the intensity of Haiyan], existing research indicate that we have been in a warming hiatus period, with the hiatus attributed to the La Niña-like multi-decadal phenomenon. It is thus intriguing to understand why Haiyan can occur during hiatus.” Although typhoon Haiyan was, according to the Philippine Atmospheric Administration, the seventh strongest storm to hit the Philippines, Typhoon Sening, which hit during the low-CO2 1970’s ice age scare, was the strongest storm recorded. According to the paper, the “La Niña-like multi-decadal” “hiatus” “suggests that as the western Pacific manifestation of the La Niña-like phenomenon is to pile up warm subsurface water to the west, the western North Pacific experienced evident subsurface warming and created a very favorable ocean pre-condition for Haiyan.” However, multi-decadal La Niña-like and El Nino-like periods have occurred for many millennia and there is no evidence of any link of these natural phenomena to carbon dioxide levels, and thus, no evidence of any link of Haiyan to either AGW or the alleged “hiatus” of AGW. Global warming “hiatus deniers” such as Cook’s ‘Skeptical Science’ blog and his side-kick propagandist Dana Nuccitelli continue to foolishly claim global warming is “accelerating,” despite the hundreds of peer-reviewed papers in the literature now acknowledging the 18+ year “pause” or “hiatus” of global warming, including this new paper as well. Category-6’ Supertyphoon Haiyan in Global Warming Hiatus: Contribution from Subsurface Ocean WarmingI.-I. Lin*, Iam-Fei Pun and Chun-Chi LienWith the extra-ordinary intensity of 170 kts, super-typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines in November 2013. This intensity is among the highest ever observed for tropical cyclones (TCs) globally, 35 kts well above the threshold of the existing highest category of 5. Though there is speculation to associate global warming with such intensity, existing research indicate that we have been in a warming hiatus period, with the hiatus attributed to the La Niña-like multi-decadal phenomenon. It is thus intriguing to understand why Haiyan can occur during hiatus. It is suggested that as the western Pacific manifestation of the La Niña-like phenomenon is to pile up warm subsurface water to the west, the western North Pacific experienced evident subsurface warming and created a very favorable ocean pre-condition for Haiyan. Together with its fast travelling speed, the air-sea flux supply …
California Drought – Almost As Dry as 1923 and 1976
California Drought – Almost As Dry as 1923 and 1976
According to the NOAA, California Precipitation for Sept-Aug is the 3rd lowest of all time behind 1923/24 and 1976/77. It must be “Global Warming” caused by CO2 if it is almost as dry as 1923.…
New excuse #54 for the ‘pause’ in global warming: ‘Global quasi-stationary waves’ from natural ocean oscillations
New excuse #54 for the “pause” in global warming: ‘Global quasi-stationary waves’ from natural ocean oscillations
A recent paper published in Nature Climate Change by Kevin “it’s a travesty!” Trenberth, et al, finds excuse #54 for the 18+ year “pause” in global warming: “Global quasi-stationary waves in the upper troposphere” due to the negative phase of the natural Pacific Decadal Oscillation [PDO]. According to the authors, “The Recent Pause In The Rise Of Global Mean Temperatures Are Examined Seasonally. For 1999 To 2012, The Hiatus In Surface Warming Is Mainly Evident In The Central And Eastern Pacific. It Is Manifested As Strong Anomalous Easterly Trade Winds, Distinctive Sea-Level Pressure Patterns, And Large Rainfall Anomalies In The Pacific, Which Resemble The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).” By Using [lots of fudge factors in a climate] Model, The Large Negative Anomalous Latent Heating Associated With The Observed Deficit In Central Tropical Pacific Rainfall Is Shown To Be Mainly Responsible For The Global Quasi-Stationary Waves In The Upper Troposphere. The Wave Patterns In Turn Created Persistent Regional Climate Anomalies, Increasing The Odds Of Cold Winters In Europe. Hence, Tropical Pacific Forcing Of The Atmosphere Such As That Associated With A Negative Phase Of The PDO Produces Many Of The Pronounced Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies Observed Globally During The Hiatus.” In the conclusion, the authors state, “These have been recognized as a dominant mode of natural interannual variability associated with ENSO, but here we focused on the inter-decadal variability that has become strongly evident recently through its manifestation as a pause in the rise of global mean temperatures. Accompanying the recent negative phase of the PDO has been striking changes in tropical and subtropical winds and ocean currents, with profound effects on OHC and sea level. Some of these aspects appear to be unique to the past decade and raise questions about whether natural internal variability itself is being altered by climate change.” It’s a travesty to now claim, as Trenberth et al now appear to say, that natural variability itself is no longer natural and “being altered by” AGW! Such are the depths to which the AGW religion has sunk. Side question: Do Trenberth et al Think That Capitalizing Every Single Word In Their Abstract Makes It Look More Definitive And Sciencey? Full paper: Seasonal aspects of the recent pause in surface warming Kevin E. Trenberth, John T. Fasullo, Grant Branstator & Adam S. …
New excuse #53 for the ‘pause’ in global warming: ‘Competition’ with two natural ocean oscillations
New excuse #53 for the “pause” in global warming: “Competition” with two natural ocean oscillations
A new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres finds the “recent cooling in the eastern Pacific Ocean and associated climate impacts” are due to “a competition of global warming” with the natural ocean oscillations the “Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO).” The authors relate the eastern Pacific cooling over the past 29 years to a “competition” between “global warming” & IPO & AMO, and to the “climate impacts” which have in-turn been linked to the 18+ year “pause” of global warming. According to the authors, “The cooling trend in the eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) during 1979-2008 is statistically significant at the 10% level out of the equator rather than along the equator.” The paper is a new variant on others claiming the negative phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) was alone responsible for the 18-26 year “pause” in global warming, others claiming some combination of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) were jointly responsible, as well as others claiming ‘missing heat’ in the deep Atlantic alone was responsible. The formation of the recent cooling in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and the associated climate impacts: A competition of global warming, IPO and AMOLu Dong and Tianjun ZhouThe cooling trend in the eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) during 1979-2008 is examined by using a wide variety of datasets for the ocean and atmosphere. The results show that the cooling trend is statistically significant at the 10% level out of the equator rather than along the equator. Diagnostic analysis indicates that the SST cooling in the eastern tropical Pacific is resulted from a competition of global warming mode, Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) mode and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) mode. The cooling trend is preliminarily dominated by the phase transition of IPO from positive to negative phases in the year around 1998/1999, which overwhelms the effect of global warming in past three decades. Quantitative estimates based on the average of four different SST datasets indicate that the global warming mode offsets more than half of the cooling effect of IPO mode. The phase transition of AMO during 1990s causes a weak warming trend in the eastern tropical Pacific and partly weakens the cooling, making the trend along the equator less significant. …
U.S. Hurricane Strikes Have Declined. AS CO2 Has Increased
US Hurricane Strikes Have Declined. AS CO2 Has Increased
The frequency of US hurricane strikes peaked in the 1880’s below 300 PPM CO2, and has been declining ever since. HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes
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Imaginary hottest ‘fingerprints’ found in extreme weather by failed models
Imaginary hottest “fingerprints” found in extreme weather by failed models
Finally, for only the 87th time, climate modellers have uncovered the definitive proof they’ve been finding in different forms every year since 1988. ARC extreme unscience – corrected at no cost to the Australian taxpayer. Click for a big printable copy. They seek, and find, the most excellent propaganda they can pretend is science. Look, this is the specific handprint of non-specific climate-change! Everything bar climate-sameness is proof the climate changes. How inane? The unscientific vagueness gives this poster away as being more about propaganda than about communication of science. … in a special edition of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, examining extreme events around the world during 2013, a series of papers home in on the Australian heat waves, and identify a human influence. Using short, noisy records, with flawed and adjusted data, it is possible to run broken climate models and show “definitively” that current heat-waves and hottest years are due to man-made emissions. And if you believe that, you could be gullible enough to be a Guardian journalist. That is, climate models that do not include solar factors like magnetic fields, solar winds, cosmic rays, solar spectral changes, or lunar effects are able to […]Rating: 9.1/10 (23 votes cast)
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New Research Finds Earth Even Less Sensitive To CO2 Than Previously Thought
New Research Finds Earth Even Less Sensitive To CO2 Than Previously Thought
GWPF Press Release: A new paper published in the prestigious journal Climate Dynamics find that the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on global temperatures is likely to be even smaller than previously thought. Earlier this year, in a widely discussed report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, climate researcher Nic Lewis and science writer Marcel Crok put forward a new estimate of the Earth’s climate sensitivity based on observational data, finding that it was much less alarming than suggested by computer simulations of the Earth’s climate. Now, Lewis and well known American climate science professor Judith Curry have updated the Lewis and Crok report estimates using the latest empirical data, a more sophisticated methodology and an approach to accounting for uncertainties that has been described by one independent reviewer as “state of the art”. Their findings fully support the modest estimates of climate sensitivity and future warming given in the Lewis and Crok report, and compared with that report make it look even less likely that the substantially higher estimates based on computer simulations are correct. “Our results, which use data from this year’s IPCC fifth assessment report, are in line with those of several recent studies based on observed centennial warming and strongly suggest complex global climate models used for warming projections are oversensitive to carbon dioxide concentrations,” Nic Lewis said. Best sensitivity estimates are medians (50% probability points). Ranges are to the nearest 0.05°C Nicholas Lewis & Judith A. Curry (2014) The implications for climate sensitivity of AR5 forcing and heat uptake estimates, Climate Dynamics 25 September 2014 Abstract Energy budget estimates of equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) and transient climate response (TCR) are derived using the comprehensive 1750–2011 time series and the uncertainty ranges for forcing components provided in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Working Group I Report, along with its estimates of heat accumulation in the climate system. The resulting estimates are less dependent on global climate models and allow more realistically for forcing uncertainties than similar estimates based on forcings diagnosed from simulations by such models. Base and final periods are selected that have well matched volcanic activity and influence from internal variability. Using 1859–1882 for the base period and 1995–2011 for the final period, thus avoiding major volcanic activity, median estimates are derived for ECS of 1.64 K and …
Professor Says Global Warming Led to ISIS & And the resurgence of the Taliban