Just who is ‘Risky Business’ warmist Hank Paulson? Flashback 2006: ‘A Global Warming Believer in Bush Cabinet’

Pew Research Center Poll: 53% Of Americans Don’t Believe In Man-Made Global Warming – While 40% Believe in AGW

Of the 35 percent who cite lacking evidence for their disbelief, half say it’s because man-made global warming is “just not happening” or that we “don’t know enough yet” about the issue to tell. Pew says that “business conservatives” and “steadfast conservatives” have the largest majorities that don’t believe in man-made global warming, with 75 percent and 71 percent, respectively.

Forty percent of Americans believe that mankind is causing the planet to warm. So-called “solid liberals” are the most likely to say human activity is warming the Earth — 78 percent of this group believes this to be true.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/06/26/poll-53-of-americans-dont-believe-in-man-made-global-warming/#ixzz35ndsw100

British academics warn that ‘fear appeals’ may be turning the public against the climate issue as ‘too scary to think about.’


In a report titled Time for Change? Climate Science Reconsidered group of eminent British academics from various disciplines and associated with University College London (UCL) warns that “fear appeals” may be turning the public against the climate issue as “too scary to think about.”…