RIP: Aussie skeptic Ray Evans, ‘founder of the Lavoisier Group, one of the earliest centers of resistance anywhere to the global warming alarmism’
…Global Warming Witch Hunt Continues With Dr. Caleb Rossiter
…Skeptical Scientist ‘now seeking someone willing to bet’ $1000 that sea level will rise less than 5 inches – ‘Who Wants To Bet $1,000 On Sea Level Rise Through 2024?’
Forestry professor David B. South of Auburn University says that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have nothing to do with the amount and size of wildfires. It’s largely forest management that determines the number and size of wildfires, not global warming. “Policy makers who halt active forest management and kill ‘green’ harvesting jobs in favor of a ‘hands-off’ approach contribute to the buildup of fuels in the forest,” South told the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on Tuesday. “This eventually increases the risk of catastrophic wildfires,” South said.
‘Data suggest that extremely large megafires were 4-times more common before 1940,” South said, adding that “we cannot reasonably say that anthropogenic global warming causes extremely large wildfires.’
EPA Administrator Declares War on Coal on ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’
EPA Administrator Declares War on Coal on ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’
Gina McCarthy was direct in describing what the new emissions proposal really means……
Renowned Swedish paleogeophysicist Nils-Axel Mörner & Two German Climate Scientists Declare: ‘CO2 Malarkey Coming To An End’ — ‘Its Days Are Doomed’
…Sea Ice Update June 17 2014 – 100th Daily Record For Antarctica / Global Sea Ice Higher Than One Standard Deviation
…Warmists bring back Polar Bears Fears! New TV ads focus on plight of polar bears in warming world – ‘Scientists predict ‘ice-free’ summer Arctic by 2020 due to global warming; polar bears could be extinct by 2100′
…Bloomberg News editors explain: ‘How to Sell a Carbon Tax’ – ‘Here’s how to frame it: Dedicate all the revenue, not just some, to cutting other taxes’
That would be enough to send every U.S. resident a check for about $300 in the first year (with bigger checks to follow) or $1,200 for a family of four. It would be more than enough to cut the corporate tax rate to 28 percent from 35 percent, for instance, or take a bite out of payroll taxes, or some of both.
This would inevitably lead to an argument over which taxes to cut. At which point, admittedly, the debate could bog down all over again. But at least it would be framed by a shared assumption: that a carbon tax is good policy. It gets liberals a more effective climate policy, and Republicans a less intrusive government.…