Obama’s Claim That Modern Severe Weather Is ‘Unprecedented’ Due To CO2 Is Empirically False

Obama’s Claim That Modern Severe Weather Is “Unprecedented” Due To CO2 Is Empirically False


(click on for cartoon source) Recent quotes regarding Obama’s severe weather and climate change claims: “Obama is on record saying that climate change “once considered an issue for the distant future, has moved firmly into the present” and is “affecting……

The new 97% consensus! Gallup Poll: 97% Of Americans Agree: Environment Is The Least Of Their Concern

97% Of Americans Agree: Environment Is The Least Of Their Concern


Only 3% of Americans consider the environment the most important problem facing the country.
Twenty percent of Americans name unemployment or jobs as the most important problem facing the country in May, up from 14% who mentioned these issues in April. Dysfunctional government (19%) and the economy in general (17%) also rank among the top problems.

These three issues — jobs, economy, and government — have been at the top of the “most important problem” list since the beginning of the year. Mentions of government and politicians rose sharply to 33% in October amid the partial government shutdown, but have dipped back down.
Mentions of the environment as the most important problem have ticked up to 3% in May from an average of 1% over the past six months. The increase may be related to recent news coverage highlighting the negative effects of global warming and climate change on the environment.

Democrats Say Unemployment Is Top Problem, Republicans Say the Economy
Democrats are most likely to name jobs or unemployment as the country’s most important problem, whereas Republicans’ top response is the economy more generally. Democrats, Republicans, and independents are about equally likely to cite dissatisfaction with government. The federal budget deficit is a much larger concern among Republicans (16%) than among independents (7%) and Democrats (3%).

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New Study: Public Interest In Global Warming Melting Away – ‘Fallen sharply in the past few years’

Public Interest In Global Warming Melting Away


Public interest in global warming has fallen sharply in the past few years despite growing evidence that man-made emissions have altered the climate, according to a study of people’s internet browsing habits. The number of Google searches carried out worldwide for the phrase “global warming” has fallen by 84 per cent since the peak in 2007.

There has been a significant decline in searches for phrases related to climate change in all three of the main languages of the internet: English, Mandarin and Spanish.
Researchers from the University of Oxford and Princeton University found that interest in global warming peaked in the months after the release of Al Gore’s campaigning documentary An Inconvenient Truth in 2006.
Interest remained high in 2007 when the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a major report stating that it was “very likely” that human activities were causing global warming and that the average temperature could rise by 6C by the end of the century.
Public interest in the IPCC report published last September was “much lower” even though it said that the evidence linking human activity to warming was even stronger than it had been in 2007.
The study, published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, concludes that there has been “a strong decline in public attention to climate change since 2007” and that this could make it harder to win support for policies to cut emissions.
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